May Heading Home Hennepin Newsletter: Seeking annual meeting topic ideas

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May 2022

Heading Home Hennepin Newsletter

In this issue:

  • Requesting topic ideas for the 2022 annual meeting
  • Now accepting expressions of interest: Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program

  • Award decisions for capital improvement proposals

  • Heading Home Hennepin Executive Committee Meeting information

  • Youth Education Survey
  • Minnesota Frontline Worker Pay
  • Free Fresh Food Fridays from Northpoint
  • Freeing Ourselves & Finding Community, a free drop-in program for LGBTQ+ teens and young adults

Requesting topic ideas for the 2022 annual meeting


Hennepin County will be hosting an annual community meeting later this summer for homeless sector stakeholders. The intention of the meeting is to bring together housing and service providers, advocates, elected officials, cross sector partners, and people who’ve experienced homelessness.


What do you want to hear?

We want to know what topics would be of interest to you. Please take our brief survey to tell us what you want to hear in this meeting.

Responses to the survey are needed by May 16, 2022. Based on responses we will be soliciting presentations/presenters on those topics from the community. 

Now accepting expressions of interest: Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program

The Hennepin County Continuum of Care (CoC) was selected for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP), which is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Hennepin County, through a cross-sector coalition of homeless housing and shelter providers, consumers, advocates, government representatives, and youth, collaborated to create a Coordinated Community Plan (CCP) to prevent and end youth homelessness. 

Three projects were prioritized through the Coordinated Community Plan. The prioritized projects are:

  • Permanent supportive housing - 15 units
  • Rapid rehousing - 15 units
  • Support services for 60 youth receiving a Foster Youth to Independence voucher.

Hennepin County is now accepting request for interest from organizations to provide these housing services. The deadline to complete the RFI is May 15, 2022, at 11:59pm. Find RFI details and documents on the YHDP website: Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project | Hennepin County.

Award decisions for capital improvement proposals

In December of 2021, Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis released a funding opportunity for capital improvements for emergency shelter. Around the same time-period, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) also released a Request for Proposals for shelter capital improvements. Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis received 7 applications for capital improvements. Working very closely with the State of MN, over $15 million was distributed to the 4 highest-scoring proposals. Awards were made for capital improvements to Haven Housing, People Serving People, and Salvation Army Harbor Light Center and Catholic Charities Hope Street.

The Board & Lodge Request for Applications for capital improvements was also released in December of 2021. The RFA received a total 21 applications for capital improvements. We were able to distribute $5 million to the 8 highest-scoring proposals. Awards were made for capital improvements at Missions Inc, Cullen Homes, 180 Degrees, and Pursuit Hometel.

Thank you to all the organizations that applied and congratulations to those that were awarded funding.  

Heading Home Hennepin Executive Committee Meeting information

Previous meeting recaps

April 11, 2022

May 4, 2022 

The Executive Committee act as champions for efforts to prevent and end homelessness, as evidenced through public advocacy, funding and external communication. The Executive committee meeting provides an enduring forum for broad-based, collaborative and strategic leadership on homelessness in Hennepin County.

education survey flyer

Youth Education Survey 

Please share your thoughts through this survey by Friday, May 20. 

Download flyer: Youth Ed Survey.pdf


frontline workers

Minnesota Frontline Worker Pay

On April 29, 2022, a law was passed, allowing Minnesotans who worked on the frontlines during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency to apply for Frontline Worker Pay. Details of the program, including the application process and timeline, are online at Visit the website to sign up to receive emailed updates about Frontline Worker Pay.

The frontline sectors include:

  • long-term care and home care;
  • health care;
  • emergency responders;
  • public health, social service, and regulatory service;
  • courts and corrections;
  • child care;
  • schools, including charter schools, state schools and higher education;
  • food service, including production, processing, preparation, sale and delivery;
  • retail, including sales, fulfillment, distribution and delivery;
  • temporary shelters and hotels;
  • building services, including maintenance, janitorial and security;
  • public transit;
  • ground and air transportation services;
  • manufacturing; and
  • vocational rehabilitation.

Information sheet about Frontline Worker Pay

Free Fresh Food Firdays


Family Tree clinic


This program has groups for teens ages 13-17, and young adults ages 18-24. Participants will have a meal together, get free bus cards and have real conversations with our LGBTQ+ people in community. This program takes place at Family Tree Clinic, and is presented in partnership with Avenues for Youth. Learn more here.

The Heading Home Hennepin monthly newsletter aims to be a resource for the community of individuals that work to increase housing stability for residents of Hennepin County. Share feedback here. 

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