Heading Home Hennepin Newsletter
In this issue:
Hennepin CoC updates and announcements
- Hennepin awarded an increase in Continuum of Care funding
Hennepin County Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Update
Community of Practice event: Tenant Empowerment Know your Rights
Hennepin Housing Key sunsets, joins statewide system
Meeting notice: Heading Home Hennepin Executive Committee
Funding Opportunities
Request for proposals: 24/7 Housing-focused Emergency Homeless Shelters
Up to $5 million available for supportive housing development
Early Childhood School and Housing Stability Pilot RFP
Community Resources and job opportunities
Rainbow Research is Hiring Consultants with Lived Experience of Homelessness
Help Youth Get Up to $1,502 in Tax Refunds in 2022
- Youthlink: Spring Job Fair
- Job opportunities
Hennepin CoC updates:
Hennepin awarded an increase in Continuum of Care Program funding
On Monday, March 14, 2022, HUD announced the FY 2021 award notification for the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program. The Hennepin CoC received $14,366,990 which supports 41 projects. This includes new bonus funding for 2 new projects. The FY2021 award represents an increase from FY2020 level funding which was $13,733,686. You can review the all Hennepin NOFA related documents at www.hennepin.us/headinghomehennepin.
Key points from the FY2021 Awards notification:
- All renewals of existing projects were awarded, with the exception of 1 transitional housing project in Tier 2.
- Project budgets may change due to Fair Market Rent (FMR) and other standard adjustments.
- Hennepin received funding for two new projects:
- Permanent Supportive Housing to serve 16 single adult households.
- Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus project to serve 8 families and 3 single adult households.
Hennepin County Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Update
Hennepin County was selected as a Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). The program is a federal initiative to support selected communities as they develop and implement a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Here is an update on the work that the YHDP Core Team and Youth Action Board (YAB) have completed:
- The governance and decision making structure has been approved by the YAB and core team.
- The statement of need has been assembled by Chapin Hall and reviewed by the Core Team and YAB. The statement of need has 3 investigative aims:
- Articulate the needs of the population of youth and young adults (YYA) at risk of or experiencing homelessness
- Take stock of the resources within the youth homelessness system\
- Depict gaps between the needs of the population and the resources available to meet these needs
- The core team has spent time working on the goals and objectives for the coordinated community plan and which ones will be prioritized for YHDP funding. We will have more time to more fully develop some of these at a later date too. The projects that have been prioritized for YHDP funding, given the eligibility for funding, parameters and community needs include:
- Adding services for the Foster Youth to Independence vouchers
- Youth specific Homeless Management Information System staff
- Youth Housing/Connection Navigators
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- Rapid Rehousing
- The next week will focus on completing the first draft of the CCP, with the goal to present to the Heading Home Executive committee for approval on April 11th.
View website: Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project | Hennepin County
Hennepin Housing Key sunsets, joins statewide system
Since it's launch in 2017, Hennepin Housing Key (HHK) has helped hundreds of people secure housing with supportive services. HHK has made searching for housing opportunities easier by allowing housing seekers to make informed decisions around housing selections and preferences.
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) recognized HHK as an innovative, groundbreaking system designed to create transparency and access to housing opportunities with services. This resulted in DHS wanting to replicate HHK, but on a larger scale so that housing information could be provided to individuals and families statewide. DHS’ replica, HB 101 Places, launched in September 2020 and includes housing opportunities with services in all counties.
After much thought, planning and conversation the decision was made to sunset HHK by May 1, 2022. This means all data within HHK will be transferred into HB 101 Places and no longer accessible via HHK. Hennepin County staff have been working closely with DHS and the developers of HB 101 Places for nearly a year to create a plan that allows for one statewide system, and to ensure a smooth a transition.
Training sessions are now available for providers, advocates and staff who currently use HHK, and need to become familiar with HB 101 Places. Users can join the weekly virtual training on Tuesdays from 1-2:30 p.m. The training sessions began last week and will be offered through Tuesday, April 26. The first portion of the session will be geared toward providers; the latter half will focus more on general use of the tool, specifically for advocates and housing seekers.
Community of Practice event: Tenant Empowerment Know your Rights
The Hennepin County CoC Employment and Income Committee is inviting you to a Community of Practice event on Tenant Empowerment: Know Your Rights on April 14th from 1pm – 2:30pm. The presentation on Tenant Empowerment will be from 1-2pm, and from 2-2:30pm we will host a discussion on tenant support after some COVID-19 tenant protections have eased.
The presentation will cover Minnesota tenant/landlord law including lingering tenant protections related to COVID-19, how tenants can approach repair issues with their landlords, the rules around when and how a landlord can charge late fees, and a general overview of what a tenant can and should do if they are facing a nonpayment of rent eviction.
The presenter, Rachel Sterling, is a Housing Attorney with HOME Line. HOME Line is a non-profit organization that helps Minnesota tenants understand their legal rights under tenant/landlord law. Before coming to HOME Line in 2020 Rachael worked with a variety of legal groups, including the Minneapolis Attorney’s Office and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
For assistance with accommodation needs, please contact Brian Young: Brian.Young@ppl-inc.org
Meeting notice: Heading Home Hennepin Executive Committee
The Executive Committee leads the mission of the Hennepin County CoC which is to facilitate a community-wide process for the leadership and implementation of efforts to prevent and end homelessness in the geographic area of the Hennepin County CoC. CoC membership is welcome to view meetings of the CoC Executive Board.
What: Click here to view the meeting agenda
When: April 11th from 12:00 - 1:30
Meeting will be held virtually:
Click here to view meeting
+1 551 285 1373 US
Meeting ID: 160 547 3723
Passcode: 467562
Current Funding Opportunities
Request for proposals: 24/7 Housing-focused Emergency Homeless Shelters
Hennepin County is soliciting proposals for 24/7 Housing-focused Emergency Homeless Shelters. By improving and sustaining 24/7 emergency shelter operations, people experiencing homelessness that are unable to be diverted away from shelter will have a safe place to stay during the day, especially while COVID-19 restrictions are in place, and will have increased access to essential and housing-focused services.
This opportunity will provide financial support to emergency homeless shelters in Hennepin County - including those that serve adults, families, and/or youth - to operate 24/7.
Access to the emergency homeless shelter(s) will be low barrier. Providers will provide sufficient staffing to safely operate 24/7. They will also provide access to showers, laundry machines, meals, COVID-19 isolation spaces, and services that connect people to housing, healthcare, education, income, and any other identified needs. If these services are not currently available, providers will coordinate with existing service providers to bring resources onsite.
Applicants are encouraged to be creative in how they envision 24/7 operations, such as including resources needed to increase positive housing outcomes or permanent exits out of emergency shelter. The goal of this funding is for people experiencing homelessness to have access to 24/7 emergency shelter to obtain stability and permanently exit homelessness by being connected with housing-focused services and supports.
Proposal timeline
Proposal due date: April 28, 2022 prior to 2 p.m.
Pre-proposal conference: March 30, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. The pre-proposal conference will be hosted virtually via Microsoft Teams. Hennepin County staff will present information and answer questions about this RFP. Click here to join the meeting at the designated time or call in (audio only) at 612-263-6117, phone conference ID 476 192 686#
Closing date for all questions: March 31, 2022 at 2 p.m.
How to submit a proposal
- RFP materials are posted in the Hennepin County Supplier Portal. Look for the RFP titled “24/7 Housing-focused Emergency Homeless Shelters"
- Providers will submit proposals via the Hennepin County Supplier Portal. Providers who do not already have a Supplier Portal account first need to register with the Supplier Portal in order to submit their proposal.
Questions concerning this RFP should be submitted in writing via e-mail to HSPH.Vendor.Selection@hennepin.us.
Up to $5 million available for supportive housing development
As part of its supportive housing strategy, Hennepin County is currently seeking proposals for supportive housing development projects that serve the following priority populations:
- Young adults with neuro-diverse conditions
- Young adults experiencing sexual exploitation
- Young adults with experiences in foster care
- Unaccompanied minors
Proposals will also be accepted for projects serving the priority population groups targeted in 2019 through 2021.
Proposals are due Thursday, April 14.
Access the RFP and apply through the Hennepin County Supplier Portal.
Julia Welle Ayres
Manager, Housing Development & Finance
Julia.WelleAyres@hennepin.us; 612-543-4342
Visit the supportive housing webpage to learn more
Early Childhood School and Housing Stability Pilot RFP
Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) is seeking proposals from organizations with expertise in supporting families with young children experiencing homelessness wishing to provide wrap-around support for families in the Early Childhood School and Housing Stability (ECSHS) Pilot. This initiative is modeled after the Stable Homes Stable Schools (SHSS) program with a focus on the youngest learners in MPS. ECSHS will be a collaborative effort by the Minneapolis Public Schools and the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) to provide rental assistance, resources and supportive services for families experiencing homelessness.
The pilot will run from June 1, 2022 through September 30, 2024. The Request for Proposals can be found here and are due April 11, 2022.
Please contact Charlotte Kinzley, Charlotte.Kinzley@mpls.k12.mn.us or 612-668-5480 with any questions.
Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) is seeking proposals from organizations with expertise in supporting families with young children experiencing homelessness wishing to provide wrap-around support for families in the Early Childhood School and Housing Stability (ECSHS) Pilot. This initiative is modeled after the Stable Homes Stable Schools (SHSS) program with a focus on the youngest learners in MPS. ECSHS will be a collaborative effort by the Minneapolis Public Schools and the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) to provide rental assistance, resources and supportive services for families experiencing homelessness.
The pilot will run from June 1, 2022 through September 30, 2024. The Request for Proposals can be found here and are due April 11, 2022.
Please contact Charlotte Kinzley, Charlotte.Kinzley@mpls.k12.mn.us or 612-668-5480 with any questions.
Community resources and job opportunities
Rainbow Research is Hiring Consultants with Lived Experience of Homelessness
Rainbow Research is recruiting people with lived experience of homelessness to bring their expertise and knowledge to our team as temporary, paid consultants to guide us as we strive toward racial justice, housing justice, and health justice for people experiencing homelessness. Rainbow will be hiring eight consultants.
Help us spread the word about this opportunity! You can share the following information:
If you have any questions, please contact Lateesha Coleman, lcoleman@rainbowresearch.org or call/text 612-685-8332.
Help Youth Get Up to $1,502 in Tax Refunds in 2022
The American Rescue Plan Act created special rules for youth experiencing homelessness and youth from foster care to be eligible for up to $1,502 tax refund through the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). At the present time, these provisions are only for tax year 2021. Learn who qualifies and how to claim the credit via: SchoolHouse Connection: Help Homeless and Foster Youth Get Up to $1,502 in Tax Refunds in 2022.
 Click here to download flyer
Job Opportunities:
Hennepin County:
ICA Minnesota:
The Link:
The Heading Home Hennepin monthly newsletter aims to be a resource for the community of individuals that work to increase housing stability for residents of Hennepin County. Share feedback here.