Disparity Reduction Vision and Priorities Report and website

hennepin county minnesota

Disparity Reduction Vision and Priorities Report and website

Since 2013, thousands of committed county employees have focused on developing innovative strategies and creating powerful solutions around seven interconnected disparity domains: education, employment, income, health, housing, justice and transportation.

Educational outcomes, compensation levels, wealth attainment, home ownership, mortality and justice system involvement are just some examples of areas where disparities are disproportionally impacting our residents who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color.

Read our recently released Disparity Reduction Vision and Priorities report and check out our Disparity Reduction storytelling website to learn more about what we’re doing.  

The report highlights the important decisions and progress made in the course of the county’s Disparity Reduction work and clearly states the issues and our emerging solutions to solve them. The website augments this work by bringing to life the stories of our efforts to reduce disparities.


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