Health@Work E-tips for workplace wellness coordinators: Go green

health@work etips


May 2021

Welcome to our newsletter for worksite wellness coordinators who work in organizations located in Hennepin county. The purpose of these monthly E-tips is to help you (the wellness coordinator) promote better health in your workplace. Please note that any reference to products or services in this newsletter is for educational purposes and does not constitute an endorsement on the part of Health@Work.

Why climate change matters — and what your workplace can do about it

Go green

Climate change and health

Recent studies show that up to 80 percent of Americans believe that global warming is happening and that it’s time to act. Climate change can impact the health of our planet as well as our own health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that “Some existing health threats will intensify and new health threats will emerge.” The CDC also says that a person’s age, current health, economic resources, and where they live and work all affect how climate change impacts their health.

Good for the environment — good for business

A Nielsen study reported that about 70 percent of people prefer to work in an organization that is eco-friendly. More than half of consumers would pay more for products made by eco-friendly organizations.

While going green means different things to different people, most people agree that it includes making environmentally friendly choices to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

4 ideas to green your workplace

  • Reduce carbon emissions by encouraging your employees to telecommute, bike, walk, or carpool. Spread the word to your employees about the 2021 Earth Month Commuter Celebration in April from local nonprofit Commuter Services.
  • Provide composting and recycling options and information, whether at work or at home.
  • Reduce energy use by setting computers to energy-saving modes and completely shutting down at the end of the day (consider providing information on how to do this at home too).
  • While this year’s official Earth Day focuses on three days of climate action from April 20‒22, every day can be Earth Day. Read and share 51 Ways to Restore Our Earth, including ideas ranging from organizing group cleanups to reducing food waste.

For more ideas, check out this online article on how small businesses can reduce carbon emissions, or watch this brief YouTube video.

Need help going green? Don’t miss this opportunity!

Hennepin County is offering two types of grants in 2021 to assist businesses in recycling and waste prevention:

Bin and compostable bag grants

Hennepin County is providing free resources and assistance for small businesses and nonprofit organizations to start or improve recycling and organics recycling. Applicants may select up to $3,000 worth of containers and compostable bags from the county's product list.

Waste prevention grants

Hennepin County has created a new grant program to fund projects that prevent waste in the business sector. Areas of focus include replacing disposables with reusables, food waste prevention, and innovative projects around research and development (to prevent waste). This year $300,000 is available for business waste prevention grants.

Click here for grant information (along with free printable posters).

Don’t forget to share this month’s E-tips Who cares about climate change? with your employees (below).  

Employee E-tips for distributing to employees


Click here to read this month's E-tips for your employees: "Who cares about climate change?"

To share these E-tips with employees, you can:  

  • Email the E-tips document to your staff as an attachment. 1) Click the link to download and save the E-tips to your computer. 2) Add your organization's logo in the bottom left corner. 3) Then send it as an email attachment to staff. 
  • Print the document once you've added your organization's logo and post it in a common area in your workplace.
  • Copy and paste the text into your organization's newsletter

Upcoming Health@Work events

Step To It Challenge in May

Want to help fellow employees get more active in May? Step to it is a free, four-week challenge to help people enjoy being active May 1-28. After you can sign up as an individual, create a group for your workplace, family, or social group. #steptoit  

Shaping the future—supporting family friendly practices event (May 6)

Click here to sign up for Health@Work's next networking event to hear Leslie Forde, Founder of Mom's Hierarchy of Needs, share her expertise on how employers can shape the culture of work to retain caregivers and reduce burnout. SeaChange Director of Human Resources Missy Winge and TURCK CEO Dave Lagerstrom will provide their own perspectives and rich experience supporting employees.

Missed last month's E-tips?

Click here to read our April E-tips on social connection.

About us:
Monthly E-tips are written by the Health@Work team. Health@Work offers a broad range of low- and -no-cost workplace wellness programs and services to employers located in the county.

Contact us

Linda Brandt, MPH



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