Cooling centers available

Hennepin County Minnesota


Contact: Carolyn Marinan, Communications, 612-348-5969

Cooling centers available

In a normal year, more than 600 Americans die of complications from overheating. Young children, senior citizens and people who are sick or overweight are most vulnerable.

To escape the heat, view our interactive map to find cooling centers throughout Hennepin County. We have restructured the map to adhere to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. Because some Hennepin County buildings have been recently damaged, there are new cooling centers available. Please check the availability and hours for each location before visiting. Also, check for COVID-19 related requirements, including mask policy, social distancing and other requirements in place at that facility.

You can personalize the map by entering a home zip code or current street address. Users then can click on individual cooling locations for an address, days and hours of operation, contact information and a website link.

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