In 2022, the EPPD responded to 43,363 calls. Here’s a sampling of the activities that kept us busy last year:
- 66 death investigations (deaths which were not witnessed by another person and where the person was not in hospice or under a doctor’s care)
- 1 human trafficking arrest
- 96 domestic assault calls
- 272 DWI arrests
- 12,016 traffic stops
- 133 suicide attempt/threat calls
- 4,580 911 hang-up calls
- 190 shoplifting cases
- 16 apiary (beekeeping) registrations
- 465 disturb the peace calls
- 17 animal bite calls
- 149 fingerprint services
- 33 child safety seat inspections
- 185 barking dog calls
- 578 car lockouts
- 32 school bus stop arm violations
- 16 stuck in elevator calls
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