Minnesota Veteran - February

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Minnesota Veteran Banner

Desk of the Commissioner - February

Commissioner Shellito

I am proud to announce our Adult Day Center on the Minneapolis Veterans Home Campus recently received a LeadingAge Minnesota Innovation Award. This award recognized their Operation Sight and Sound program, of which we are very proud. The Quality and Innovation Awards recognize and showcase exceptional progress in aging services, serving as a platform to share promising programs and new ideas with other Leading Age Minnesota members to help advance and transform the way they serve older adults. Operation Sight and Sound is an innovative program that brings together Veterans, ranging from WWII to Vietnam eras, on a mission of artistic discovery in songwriting, photography and performance.


Veterans Day on the Hill

Veterans Day on the Hill Flyer


Minnesota Veterans Home Adult Day Center Receives LeadingAge Minnesota Innovation Award

Adult Day Center Staff recieving nnovation Award in Aging Services for their Operation Sight and Sound program.

The Adult Day Center located on the Minnesota Veterans Home – Minneapolis Campus was recently awarded an Innovation Award in Aging Services for their Operation Sight and Sound program. The Quality and Innovation Awards recognize and showcase exceptional progress in aging services, serving as a platform to share promising programs and new ideas with other Leading Age Minnesota members to help advance and transform the way they serve older adults.

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The Minnesota Veterans 4 Veterans Trust Fund (V4V)

Big Island Aerial Photo

The story of how the Minnesota Veterans 4 Veterans Trust Fund was created is a unique one. It was first established in early 2006 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 197,133. The Statute required that the irrevocable Trust be created upon the disposition of Big Island Veterans Camp—Lake Minnetonka, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, of its interest in certain real estate located in Hennepin County, Minnesota (“Big Island”).


Woman Veteran of the Year Nominations

The Women Veterans Initiative is proud to honor one extraordinary female Veteran annually during a spring Women Veterans event. The Minnesota Woman Veteran of the Year award will recognize a female Veteran who has served honorably and is a community leader. This award is part of the women Veterans Initiative’s continuing effort to honor women Veterans.

One woman Veteran will be recognized as the Minnesota Woman Veteran of the Year. Nominations will be accepted from the public.