What's new in this update
- Message from DVS Director Pong Xiong
- New Online Service: Driving Record Request
- Vehicle Inspections Moving to Appointment Only
- Reminder: Scanning Back of Social Security Card
Message from DVS Director Pong Xiong
Thank you for your input and support while DVS was preparing its legislative initiatives. We are now in the early weeks of what is already becoming a very busy legislative session. Gov. Tim Walz shared his proposed budget for the 2024-25 biennium on Jan. 24. Click here if you would like to view his budget recommendations.
DVS is tracking a number of bills that directly affect our work and the services we provide. Among them are:
- Combined Vehicle Services and Driver Services Operating Account (VSOA and DSOA).
- Combining the VSOA and DSOA allows DVS to be funded out of one account, which simplifies accounting and improves financial viability of DVS.
- Filing fee increase.
- $11 for standard driver’s license applications; $16 for REAL ID.
- Credential fee increase and REAL ID surcharge ($0.75).
- Increases all credential fees by $6.
- Resumes charging the $0.75 REAL ID surcharge that ended last year.
- Blackout Special Plates.
- Similar to Blackout plate in Iowa.
- Raises money for the VSOA through a $30 contribution fee similar to other kinds of special plates.
- Additional VIN sites and inspectors.
- Appropriates funding to add five new VIN inspection sites (Duluth, Bemidji, Detroit Lakes, Rochester and Metro) and adds 11 additional inspection staff.
- Make temporary exam station staffing funding permanent.
- Previously received $2.7 million to reopen all 93 exam stations but funding was limited to two fiscal years and ends June 30.
- Proposal makes this funding permanent to allow DVS to continue existing staffing levels at exam stations.
- Eliminate out of state knowledge test.
- Allows individuals who hold a valid driving credential from another state to obtain a Minnesota driver’s license without taking the knowledge exam.
- Renew driver’s license online every other cycle.
- Provides an additional option for customers to renew their driver’s license online once every eight years.
- Still requires customers to go into an office for the next renewal; i.e. no renewing online twice in a row
- Popular with customers; allows DVS to meet needs of Minnesotans.
- Collect race and ethnicity data
- Customers would have the option to report their race or ethnicity on the credential application.
- Data would be classified as private on individuals; only shared in summary form.
- Data would be used by the Office of Traffic Safety to study disparities in traffic stops.
- Driver’s license for All
- Removes the requirement that individuals present documentation of their legal presence in the U.S. to obtain standard credentials.
- No impact to REAL ID, CDL or EDL/EID requirements.
- No markings on the card; would look exactly like other standard credentials.
- Individuals would still be required to prove identity.
- Authorize Social Security number use for debt collection.
- Brings DVS into compliance with Minnesota state policies that require debt collection through the Minnesota Department of Revenue (DOR).
- DVS cannot currently engage in debt collection through the DOR because it cannot share Social Security numbers with them for that purpose.
- Results in outstanding debts owed to DVS that cannot be collected.
- Generates revenue as unpaid fees are collected.
New Online Service: Driving Record Request
Customers will be able to request a copy of their driving record online starting Feb. 2. This new online service allows individuals to get a copy or certified copy of their driving record. Customers select More Driver’s Services from the Driver Services panel at drive.mn.gov and click on Request a Driving Record.
  What you need to know:
- Customers receive an email confirmation with the link to their driving record.
- The record is viewable for 30 days; however, the record the customer receives is based on the date requested not the date viewed.
- Customers will need to print their own record if they want a hard copy. DVS will not mail a hard copy of the record to them.
- Payment type: checking and savings accounts (ACH)
- Records will not include reinstatement requirements. To view reinstatement requirements, customers will need to visit mn.gov, select More Driver’s Services from the Driver Services panel and click on Driver’s License Status Lookup.
Vehicle inspections moving to appointment only
Starting April 1, vehicle inspections will require an appointment. Inspection sites will no longer offer walk-in service. DVS will cover this information in the next Dealer Update and at the next dealer training sessions. Appointment availability will be for 30 days out, similar to driver’s testing appointments. This is a more efficient use of DVS staff resources and provides a better service for customers.
Dealers and customers can make an appointment online at drive.mn.gov or by calling 651-284-1000 or 651-284-1234.
Reminder: Scanning back of Social Security card
You need to scan the front and back of Social Security cards. DVS needs to view both sides to verify the card and limit fraud. Please refer to the document management topic in the MNDRIVE Help manager for more information about scanning documents.
DPS-DVS Updates Resume
We resumed publishing the DPS-DVS update today after a December hiatus. We will be engaging deputy registrars in the upcoming weeks to discuss the frequency of the updates and ways to improve them.
New in MNDRIVE: Overpayment Procedure
A recent change in MNDRIVE posts any extra money entered as a credit to the account. When you enter an overpayment, it will not turn red. You need to be mindful if you inadvertently enter an overpayment due to a typo. You can catch the error when reconciling, because you will be short money based on the data entry error. You will need to void the payment and re-enter it correctly.
Example: A clerk inadvertently enters $350.00 for the check amount instead of $35.00. The office should catch the error the next morning during reconciliation when they discover they are $315.00 short. They need to void the entry and re-enter the correct payment. This causes a day’s delay before the office is able mark their financials ready to sweep.
We’ve submitted an SQR to add a thumbs up acknowledgement when an amount entered is more than what is expected. The user would then double-check their entry and either proceed or correct it.
Salvage Law Reminder
Changes to the salvage law that became effective on Jan. 1 require all vehicles designated as salvage to receive a branded title when the salvage status is cleared. This applies to Minnesota and out-of-state salvage vehicles coming into Minnesota. The change eliminates the branding exception for non-high value vehicles, non-late model vehicles, commercial vehicles, pioneer vehicles and motorcycles. These vehicles no longer receive a clear title after the salvage process is complete. There are no changes to salvage inspection requirements. We are in the process of updating the salvage quick reference guides and the information on the DVS public website.
Wheelage Tax 2023 Update
We have updated the wheelage tax information on the DVS public website and the quick reference guides on Info Hub and in the MNDRIVE Help Manager to reflect 2023 collection rates.
USDOT Number Reminder
Noncommercial vehicles over 10,000 pounds are exempt from displaying a USDOT number. USDOT is not required to obtain vehicle registration unless a vehicle is being used for commerce.
Please make sure the USDOT override is completed in MNDRIVE when issuing or renewing registration for a vehicle that is not used for commerce.
To Override USDOT Requirement in MNDRIVE
You are required to select Commercial Use as the vehicle type for trucks registered at or over 15,000 pounds. The USDOT number field will appear.
- If the vehicle is solely personal use (non-commerce) click on the Override USDOT Requirement link.
- From the drop down menu select: “Vehicle not used in intrastate or interstate commerce.”
Recycling License Plates through MINNCOR
Deputy registrars should return license plates to MINNCOR for recycling and when practical deface the plate by running a permeant marker across the plate number and year sticker.
Do not send other documents to MINNCOR. You need to dispose of other documents appropriately. For example, disability certificates should be destroyed and damaged registration stickers should be held until an audit is conducted by DVS liaisons. Please contact the motor vehicle liaisons if you are uncertain of how to dispose of a document properly.
Impound Plate Reminder
Minnesota Statutes, section 169A.60 about impounded plates was amended effective July 1, 2021.
You can issue valid standard plates to all affected vehicles if someone enrolled in the ignition interlock device program (IIDP) has an NCL status of valid. This includes the vehicle used in the incident and any vehicles the violator owns, co-owns or leases.
When impounded, the plates still need to be removed from all vehicles and new plates purchased.
- If the violator did not purchase WX plates, the early reinstatement fee is $100. They can purchase any plate type.
- If the violator has purchased WX plates and paid $50, the early reinstatement fee is $50. They can purchase any plate type.
The Ignition Interlock Device does not have to be installed in all vehicles in order to reinstate standard plates.
Violators who are reinstated and enrolled in the IIDP are restricted to operating vehicles that are equipped with an ignition interlock device. Most people have to buy a set of WX plates for the vehicle on which the device will be installed so that a friend or family member can drive the vehicle to the installer. After installation of the device and if all other requirements are met, the violator should be valid within two business days and eligible to pay the early reinstatement fees and buy standard plates for all affected vehicles.
The customer should check their status before coming in to replace the plates when practical. This can be done at drive.mn.gov.
Reinstatement Fee Reminder
You can accept reinstatement fees from someone other than the individual that owes the fee. Please do not turn away customers who are paying a reinstatement fee for a family member or friend.
Correction to Nov. 20 Update – Permits
You only need to scan the blue card with a learner permit application. You do not need to scan the driving log.
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Real ID Resources
Visit REALID.dps.mn.gov for additional resources for your office.