D3 - Hwy 169 Redefine - Elk River freeway: 2022-2024 construction
 Construction complete
All bridges, freeway lanes, adjacent road and sidewalk connections are now open. The three-mile Hwy 169 freeway between Hwy 101/Hwy 10 and 197th Ave. in Elk River took three full construction seasons to complete from April 2022 to November 2024.
This marks the completion of the $125 million Corridors of Commerce funded project.
Clean up will continue through November. Motorists may encounter periodic lane or shoulder closures. The Main Street signal system will also be monitored and adjusted.
Crews will return in spring 2025 to establish turf and complete other minor work.
As promised, here's the final edition with project pictures ;)
 2024 construction on Hwy 169 bridge over Main St. between Hwy 10 and School St. New interchanges going northward in the distance—Hwy 169 at Main St., School St., Jackson/193rd Ave. and 197th Ave. Select image to enlarge.
 City of Elk River hosted a community Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on the School St. bridge sidewalk over Hwy 169 on Thu, Nov. 7.
Project includes many pedestrian access improvements on local streets with new trail/sidewalk connections and signal systems with accessible features—verbal messages, audio tones and vibrating surfaces. Color concrete also borders sidewalk areas.
 Decorative railing treatment on the School St. bridge.
 City of Elk River logo accents both sides of the Jackson/193rd Ave. and Main St. bridges.
 Aerial image of the Hwy 169 over Main St. interchange taken by MnDOT bridge. Select image to enlarge.
This will be our final project email update. Best wishes for safe travels into the future!
- The 169 Redefine Team
MnDOT, the City of Elk River, Sherburne County and the prime contractor Ames Construction, Burnsville, Minn., thank the public for their patience throughout the project that improves traffic flow, increases capacity, reduces bottle necks, and improves motorist and pedestrian safety on Highway 169 in Elk River.