We're seeing fresh pavement out on Highway 55/59 between Elbow Lake and Barrett, and it's an exciting step toward reopening!
Throughout the month of October, crews kicked it into high-gear to make significant progress on the project! They finished all culvert replacements, completed shoulder widening, realigned County Road 54 and Third Street, and performed drainage improvements near Elbow Lake.
Realignment of CR 54 and Third Street near Elbow Lake
New rip-rap lines the ditch near Elbow Lake, where crews improved drainage.
This week, crews are finishing up curb/sidewalk work in the City of Barrett, paving the final lift (the final layer of pavement) and shouldering. They expect to wrap up paving and shouldering early next week, and as weather allows, will begin final striping. We're getting so close, folks, and really appreciate your patience during construction!
The roadway is expected to reopen my mid-November.
Crews pave along Hwy 55/59 west of Barrett
Completed work
- Culvert replacements
- Shoulder widening
- County Road 54 & Third Street realignments
Upcoming schedule
- Continue paving and shouldering
- Final striping
- Install signs
- Final seeding
For more information about this project, visit the project website.