Local Road Research Board News
 JULY 2022
Autonomous Vehicles: What Should Local Agencies Expect?
As connected and automated vehicle technology continues to advance, local agencies are seeking guidance on how to prepare and answer questions from elected officials and the public. The Local Road Research Board developed this interactive resource guide to help local agencies prepare for and respond to Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) changes. Note: Please download the PDF file and open in Adobe Acrobat to use the guide's navigation features. |
Updated Snow and Ice Control Handbook for Snowplow Operators
This guide for snowplow operators, an update of the 2005 handbook, includes information about tools, best practices, and limitations for snow and ice control. It also encourages progressive changes in snow and ice control practices that will help reduce salt/sand use and environmental impacts while meeting the safety and mobility needs of roadway users. It includes new information on pavement temperature sensors and other new Maintenance Decision Support Systems (MDSS) and Automated Vehicle Location systems (AVL).
Minnesota Transportation Library: Save Time, Save Money and Get Better Results
If you need technical assistance with a transportation project, the state transportation library is available to local agencies and consultants working on local projects, thanks to support from the LRRB. The MnDOT-operated library offers comprehensive research services and resources focused on transportation and civil engineering, as well as business needs such as finance, planning, management, statistics, leadership, innovation, HR/training, demographic research, professional exam prep, and more. Even today, with instant data availability at your fingertips, MnDOT Library professionals can apply expertise in identifying, locating, acquiring, and synthesizing specific information that goes far beyond general internet searches, including resources that are difficult to find or obtain. |
Decision-Making Tools for Roadway Management
New guidance from the Local Road Research Board will help Minnesota city and county engineers struggling to preserve their transportation networks. The Federal Highway Administration estimates that each dollar spent on road, highway and bridge improvements results in an average benefit of $5.20, including reduced vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption, reduced road and bridge maintenance costs, and improved safety. Despite these benefits, funding gaps loom and investments in transportation suffer. The Resource Guide for Analysis and Investment Decision Making provides guidance, tools and methods suitable for local agencies to break down the process of planning and implementing transportation investments. |
Assessing Culvert Designs for Aquatic Wildlife
Build a Better Mousetrap Competition Winners Announced!
Congratulations to this year's Build a Better Mousetrap award recipients who devised creative innovations to solve everyday transportation challenges. This year's winners include:
The City of Rochester (first place) for its plow truck pre-wet nurse tank, which enables drivers to apply salt through an entire plow event by using all brine carried on the truck. Photo at right.
Crow Wing County (tie for second place) for its Snow Removal Status app, which lets residents check plows' locations and see which roads have been cleared.
Lake of the Woods County (tie for second place) for a shear attachment that makes it safer and faster for staff to remove trees or open rights-of-way.
Crow Wing County and Lake of the Woods County also were recognized for runner-up submissions. First- and second-place winners were awarded $450 and $350 Visa gift cards for their departments. All submissions advance to the national Build a Better Mousetrap recognition program—hosted by the Federal Highway Administration—where they compete against departments from across the country.
The Minnesota competition is sponsored by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board and administered by Minnesota LTAP.
COVID Travel Reductions: Lessons for Relieving Traffic Congestion
As COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in 2020 kept people at home, reduced travel and, therefore, traffic congestion were to be expected. But how much of an impact did the restrictions have on traffic congestion? After analyzing changes in traffic levels due to the travel restrictions, researchers identified how incremental changes in vehicle miles traveled impact regional congestion. These results will inform efforts by MnDOT and its partners on the outcomes of reduced travel demand. Check out this webinar to learn more about the research. |
Extreme Flood Vulnerability Analysis Available
Spray Asphalt Rejuvenators Evaluated at MnROAD
A national study co-sponsored by the LRRB is evaluating nearly a dozen asphalt spray rejuvenators at MnROAD, the state's road research facility. “HMA spray rejuvenators is a topic that is a perfect example of a relatively new idea that needs to be proven scientifically, but also shown that it works in real life ‘on the road,'" said Ben Worel, MnROAD operations engineer. The project is featured in the current issue of Pavement Preservation Journal.
MnROAD Research Facility Featured in TR News
Check out the cover story on the MnROAD Research Facility in the November/December 2021 issue of TR News. The article offers an in-depth look at the facility, from the original concept to create a cold regions pavement test facility in the 1980s to its launch in 1994. It details how MnROAD has benefited Minnesota and its partners, highlighting technical accomplishments, innovations, and cost savings. It also gives a nice shout out to the Minnesota Local Road Research Board, which sponsors low-volume road research at MnROAD! |
2022 Minnesota Transportation Conference Recap
It was great to see so many colleagues and friends at the 2022 Minnesota Transportation Conference & Expo in May! The LRRB and MnDOT Research and Innovation were well-represented both in the exhibit hall and in numerous presentations throughout the conference. In fact, 18 LRRB-funded and MnDOT research projects were presented on topics including emerging technologies, advancements in bridge inspections, workforce development, and the implications of COVID on transportation. The LRRB booth featured a demonstration of technology developed by MnDOT and 3M to improve the effectiveness of reflective pavement markings in wet-night conditions. Photo at right: Dave Glyer, MnDOT, demonstrates.
LRRB Advances New Transportation Research Projects
The Local Road Resource Board (LRRB) and Research Implementation Committee (RIC) are hard at work developing and implementing new research projects that will help improve the quality of Minnesota’s transportation systems. At the joint LRRB and RIC summer meeting held June 21-23, they conducted final reviews of need statements and selected projects that will be funded for research and implementation. They also reviewed strategic plan and marketing plan activities for the coming year. LRRB Board Members: Top row (l-r): Paul Ohme, City of Lakeville; Brian Giese, Pope County; Wayne Sandberg, Washington County. Middle row (l-r): Kent Exner, City of Hutchinson; Lon Aune, Marshall County; Duane Hill, MnDOT; Bottom row (l-r): Jim Foldesi, St. Louis County; Katie Walker, MnDOT Office of Research and Innovation; and Kyle Shelton, Center for Transportation Studies. Not pictured: Kristine Elwood, MnDOT State Aid. |
- Telecommuting During COVID-19 - How Does It Shape the Future Workplace and Workforce? Webinar
- Minnesota LTAP Fall Maintenance Workshop, Wednesday-Thursday, Oct. 5-6, 2022, St. Cloud
Toward Zero Deaths Conference, Wednesday-Thursday, Oct. 12-13, 2022, St. Cloud
2022 Center for Transportation Studies Transportation Research Conference, Thursday, Nov. 3, Minneapolis
Minnesota Asphalt Pavement Association 2022 Asphalt Conference, Wednesday-Thursday, Nov. 30-Dec. 1, Prior Lake
Minnesota Local Road Research Board • lrrb.org
The LRRB invites and encourages participation by all. If you need an ASL, a foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to research.dot@state.mn.us. |