There’s still time to promote Walk to School Day or plan celebrations that encourage walking! More than ever, students will benefit from physical activity, fresh air and increased focus. Here are some resources to help you plan — these can be used in-school, by classroom or Phys. Ed. teachers in a distance-learning context, or by families at home.
Busing shortages have schools reimagining their transportation plans. For parents, driving isn’t their only choice. Safe Routes to School programs may encourage more parents and children to consider walking or bicycling to school in lieu of a bus or a car. Walk to School Day is a great way to start your efforts on Safe Routes to School and grow the number of children who walk and bike to school while reducing the congestion of parent pick up and drop off.
Join us for a celebration of walking – Oct. 6
Recognizing that this fall many schools are in session in different ways, you are welcome again to register your participation as an entire school, a neighborhood, or a family. We know that these events are important opportunities to encourage physical activity and promote safety in your neighborhoods and near schools. We encourage you to register to participate in a way that is best for your school and fits Minnesota Department of Health guidance.
FREEBIES - We’ll send reflective zipper pulls for backpacks, educational bookmarks, marketing posters and other goodies to all schools that register to share on (and before!) your event day. Please register by Tuesday, Sept. 28.
Walk to School Day photo contest
Join our MnSRTS Photo Contest and share where you love to walk. We will highlight winning photos all month long. Help us encourage more walking in Minnesota by collecting fun photos from your walks and school events.
Post your photo by Oct. 15 to the MnSRTS Facebook page, with the hashtag #mnwalks. The winning photo will receive statewide bragging rights!
Your Walk to School Day toolkit
We’ve made it easy for you, use these free tools to help promote your Walk to School Day event. All PowerPoint files are customizable; please update the documents with your school information before exporting or printing.
Walk to School Day Toolkit
Use these free tools to help promote your Walk to School Day event. All files are customizable; please update the documents with local school information before exporting or printing.
Reflect on why you and your community care about walking to school and use Walk to School Day to solidify commitments and work towards needed changes to make it safer, easier, and more convenient for children to get around by walking, rolling or biking. We’ve got tools and resources to help!
Upcoming grant opportunities
Walk to School Day have you excited about Safe Routes to School? Build on your momentum and energy by applying for one of our many grant opportunities opening in October.
SRTS funding opportunities:
Planning assistance solicitation to help you develop a SRTS Plan.
- Infrastructure solicitations:
Boost non-Infrastructure solicitation helps with any plan implementation needs from walking school buses, bike fleets to bike racks or crossing guard supplies.
Order free MN Bike Maps and MN Bicycle Handbooks for your organization’s events!
More about MnSRTS
Visit: http://www.mnsaferoutestoschool.org
Follow us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/MinnesotaSafeRoutestoSchool/