2021 Construction: Hwy 87 Frazee to Becker/Wadena County Line
Road construction started last week on Highway 87 between Frazee and the Becker/Wadena County line, and crews are moving right along in the two sections of the work zone.
Until the project is complete in October, Highway 87 remains closed between County Road 29/Birch Avenue in Frazee to Highway 71 in Menahga. The detour follows County Road 29/Birch Avenue in Frazee, Highway 34 and Highway 71.
Construction update
For reference: Section 1: Becker/Wadena County Line and Evergreen & Section 2: Frazee to Evergreen
Milling and reclaiming continue in Section 1, and paving has begun! As long as things continue to go as planned, we expect the milling and reclaiming to wrap up this weekend, and crews will spend next week paving up to Evergreen.
At the same time, shoulder widening started this week on the west end of the project near Frazee. Originally this work was expected to start near Evergreen, working west, but with trucks hauling in both sections, it made more sense to work on opposite ends of the project to minimize congestion at the center of the work zone.
Shoulder widening in Section 2 will be done one mile at a time, on both sides of the road. We expect each mile to take approximately one to two weeks to complete. Crews in Section 2 will focus first on finishing all shoulder widening up to Evergreen before they begin any of the reclaiming and paving work in this area. Local traffic should expect to encounter loose gravel.
Bridge replacement at Otter Tail River starts next week
Starting the week of May 17, Highway 87 will be impassable between North River Drive and Main Street East as crews start the bridge replacement at the Otter Tail River. This section of the roadway is already closed to thru-traffic, but local traffic from Frazee will need to find an alternate route to access Highway 87 east of the bridge.
Information for locals
Local traffic on the west end of the project: If you live in Frazee, you can still access Highway 87 in front of the school up to North River Drive. The barricades are up at CR 29/Birch Avenue to ensure thru-traffic follows the detour. The work zone begins after North River Drive.
Local traffic on the east end of the project: If you live in Menahga, you can access Highway 87 in town. The barricades are up at Highway 71 to ensure thru-traffic follows the detour. The work zone starts further west at the county line.
Mailbox relocations: If you live on Highway 87 between Frazee and Evergreen, your mailbox has been relocated. Visit the project website to get a breakdown of where temporary mailboxes can be found.
Important reminder: Highway 87 is an active work zone. If you do not have a destination along Highway 87, follow the detour or find an alternate route. Access is being maintained for residents and businesses, but flaggers are controlling traffic in areas where crews are working so expect to encounter temporary closures, periodic stops and delays.
 Between the start of shoulder widening and culvert replacements, it was a busy scene this week on the west side of the project near Frazee.
 Things have gotten a little quieter on the far east side of the project, as crews have already started paving west of the Becker/Wadena County line. Paving continues all next week up to Evergreen.
- Finish milling, reclaiming and culvert work in Section 1
- Continue paving in Section 1
- Continue shoulder widening in Section 2
- Begin bridge replacement at the Otter Tail River near Frazee
For more detailed project information visit the project website.