Lower Shore: Duluth to Two Harbors
Despite some story weather this week the bite near Duluth was good for 17-24 inch Lake Trout, trolling brightly colored stickbaits and other artificial lures, in the top 10 feet of the water column. Targeting the edges of the stained water and surface water temps in the mid 40’s was the most productive. Further north, where water temperatures were lower, the bite was slower, but anglers were having some success fishing in 100-150 feet of water trolling spoons near bottom structure. Salmon fishing has been a little hit or miss, but some big Cohos and Chinooks were caught this week while trolling for Lake Trout. The St. Louis River Estuary was on fire for nice Walleye. Trolling brightly colored stickbaits in 8-10 feet of water was still the most effective tactic.
Upper Shore: Twin Points to Hovland
Conditions on the lake were variable this week and the stormy weather limited angler activity at all stations. Surface water temps were 38-40°F along the Middle and Upper Shores. Anglers from Silver Bay, Grand Marais, and Taconite Harbor reported good fishing for 17-22 inch Lake Trout. Most fish were in 120-200 feet of water near bottom structure. Brightly colored spoons, plugs, and flasher fly combos produced fish. A few anglers reported catching suspended Lakers as large as 10 pounds using shallower presentations such as dipsy divers and weighted line. No Salmon or Steelhead were reported this week. The rivers and streams were still high, but no anglers were observed. Shore anglers fishing near the river mouths did not have any luck this week.
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