Water Talk Newsletter - August 2023

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minnesota department of natural resources

Water Talk Newsletter - August 2023

New Bluff Basics Video

Scenic bluff photo

This on-demand video training (about 18 minutes) explains why we have bluff regulations and what those regulations are. The DNR training also works through sample elevation data to determine whether a bluff exists using the bluff-related definitions. This training is recommended for planning and zoning staff who administer bluff-related regulations for land use applications. Watch the online training presented by Dan Petrik, DNR Lake and River Shoreland Program Manager, and recorded in August 2023.

DNR Flood Hazard Mitigation Grant Position Opening

Interested in joining the DNR Division of Ecological and Water Resources (EWR) team? The Division is hiring a new Flood Hazard Mitigation Grant Assistance Program Manager position. 

Go to the MN Careers site and enter "68493" or "Hazard Mitigation Grant Assistance Program Manager" to see the posting. This position manages and administers the State Flood Hazard Mitigation (FHM) Grant Assistance Program and provides expert technical assistance to local units of government on a statewide basis to reduce flood damages. The position develops and interprets policy, provides training and technical assistance to local officials, provides disaster response and recovery assistance, manages grants for flood hazard mitigation and other DNR grants, develops informational materials, and coordinates with other federal, state, and local agencies. 

The new FHM Grant Assistance Program Manager will overlap with the incumbent, Pat Lynch, for several months to ensure a smooth transition.

Closing date is Sept. 12, 2023.

New FEMA Elevation Certificates - Delay to Nov. 1

In the July 2023 Water Talk article New FEMA Elevation Certificate, we discussed the new FEMA Elevation Certificate (EC) and Dry Floodproofing Certificate that became available July 7, 2023. We also summarized when the forms are used, the many updates in the new forms and how to obtain copies of the forms. 

Some technical glitches in the new forms were discovered, including not being able to enter "NA" and other non-numerical comments that are mandatory for some scenarios. On August 9, 2023, FEMA released the Write Your Own (WYO) Company Bulletin w-23007 which allows use of the previous EC and Floodproofing forms to be extended until November 1, 2023. 

2022 Elevation Certificate cover

Recordings Available for Winter 2023 Floodplain and Shoreland Trainings

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Many of you attended the series of one-hour virtual trainings presented by DNR Floodplain and Shoreland/River Program staff in early 2023. Recordings of those trainings (with captioning) were recently posted on the DNR Land Use Program's Training and Education page. Whether you missed the trainings or want a refresher, they are available to all who are interested!

New Topics

Sample topography with modeling

Hydrology and Hydraulics for Non-Engineers: Would you like to better understand what the “H and H” is that the engineers are talking about? This hour session will explain the difference between hydrology and hydraulics, discuss methods and models used for each, as well as assumptions and uses for some of the common models. Recorded 3/13/2023.

Sample floodplain culverts

Floodplain Culverts: Learn about designing culverts that withstand floods better and retain more of the natural benefits of floodplains. Many of our current road crossings narrow the floodwaters to relatively small culverts that don’t have capacity during floods and blow out. Learn about scenarios where additional higher culverts (i.e., floodplain culverts, or “relief culverts”) can help road crossings be more resilient and save the costs and inconvenience of repeatedly replacing your culverts, while providing benefits to the fisheries and natural systems. Recorded 3/22/2023.

Updated Topics: Floodplain Management & Mapping

See topic descriptions on the Floodplain Training and Education page

Sample FEMA map

Updated Topics: Shoreland Management

See topic descriptions on the Shoreland Training and Education page.

Scenic shoreland aerial

Adopting or Amending a Shoreland or River-Related Ordinance?


Get timely feedback and approval from the DNR by sending all ordinance-related documents and emails to the DNR’s ordinance review email account. Documents and emails sent to this account trigger procedures designed to deliver timely responses to your questions and requests for DNR comments and approvals. You should also include your local DNR Area Hydrologist on all emails sent to this account.

Shoreland and river-related ordinance update and notice process

5 checkmarks / steps icon

The DNR has a five-step process for reviewing all shoreland and river-related ordinances and amendments. Review processes all start by emailing documentation to this account. Ongoing emails to and from your Area Hydrologist about the ordinance or amendment should always include this email account.

The river-related ordinances include the Lower St. Croix Riverway, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA) programs. The DNR has dedicated webpages that explain the five-step process for the shoreland program and the MRCCA program, but the process is the same for all of these programs. Ordinance-related documents and emails for all of these programs should use the same ordinance review email account.

Please do not send notices for shoreland and river-related variances, Conditional Use Permits (CUPs), plats or Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) to this email account. Those should be emailed directly to your local DNR Area Hydrologist.

Note: Different email for floodplain ordinance updates & notices

The DNR’s ordinance review process for floodplain is managed differently since the floodplain program staff are more involved. All floodplain ordinance related emails should be sent to the DNR’s floodplain email account.

Notices for variances, CUPs and plats including FEMA-mapped floodplain should be copied to the DNR floodplain email in addition to your local DNR Area Hydrologist.

MnAFPM Save the Date - Nov. 1-3, 2023

MnAFPM logo

The Minnesota Association of Floodplain Managers (MNAFPM) annual conference will be held Nov. 1-3, 2023, in Moorhead.

Save the dates so you don't miss all the great presentations, workshops and opportunities to learn from each other! 

  • Nov. 1, 2023: Training, kickoff, and social
  • Nov. 2, 2023: Main conference day
  • Nov. 3, 2023: Field tour and CFM exam

See MnAFPM website for more information.

FEMA Region 5 Virtual Trainings Continue

FEMA Region 5 staff (based in Chicago, IL) are continuing their monthly one-hour virtual training series in 2023. They are free!

It's not too late to register for many training topics!

Upcoming "Managing your Community's Floodplain" monthly series dates and topics:

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Note: All held 9-10 a.m. Central Time. 

  • Aug. 30, 2023: Reasonably Safe from Flooding: TB-10; Registration Link 
  • Sept. 27, 2023: Preparedness: Substantial Damage Planning; Registration Link 
  • Oct. 25, 2023: Floodplain Management Higher Standards; Registration Link 
  • Nov. 29, 2023: Natural and Beneficial Functions of Floodplains; Registration Link 
  • Dec. 20, 2023: Community Rating System (CRS); Registration Link 

These trainings and registration links are also available on the DNR Floodplain Training and Education page.

MN Floodplain Management Office Hours Continue

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Talk with FEMA and DNR Floodplain program representatives during monthly virtual Minnesota Floodplain Management Office Hours. Hours are 10-11 a.m., typically on the fourth Thursday of the month (but a few are adjusted to avoid Thanksgiving, etc.).

Upcoming monthly hours (Note: all are 10 - 11 a.m. Central Time)

Where: Teams. No registration is required. Select a date to get the Teams meeting appointment

These office hour dates and links are also available on DNR's Floodplain Training and Education page.

FEMA Map Status Listing

Important Dates to Note:

(since July 2023 Water Talk and upcoming in next couple months)

FEMA maps: Yesterday (old black and white map), Today (aerial background) and Tomorrow (color depths)

Preliminary Maps

  • Sept. 2023 - None
  • Oct. 2023 - Olmsted (levee panel) and Wabasha Countywide

Local Officials Meetings & Open Houses

  • Oct. 4, 2023 - Rainy River Better Data Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Kickoff
  • Oct. 2023 (date TBD) - Murray County Flood Risk Review
  • Oct. 2023 (date TBD) – Lake County Discovery Local Official Kickoff
  • Oct. 2023 (date TBD) – Cook County Discovery Local Official Kickoff

90-Day Appeal Periods

  • Dodge County - Sept. 7 to Dec. 6, 2023 (anticipated)
  • Morrison County - June 4 to Sept. 2, 2023
  • Stevens County (Swan Lake Township portion) - Aug. 1 to Oct. 30, 2023

Letters of Final Determination (LFDs)

  • June 7, 2023 - Watonwan Countywide
  • Aug. 22, 2023 - Blue Earth Countywide 
  • Sept. 2023 - Carlton and Waseca Countywides (anticipated)

Effective (6 months after LFD date)

  • Sept. 7, 2023 - Lincoln Countywide
  • Sept. 21, 2023 - Olmsted (Zumbro panels)
  • Dec. 7, 2023 - Watonwan Countywide
  • Feb. 22, 2024 - Blue Earth Countywide

Additional Map Update Information:

MN Map showing map status by county

For more information

Water Talk Newsletter is issued at least four times per year with the support of a FEMA Community Assistance Program - State Support Service Element (CAP-SSSE) grant.

See past Water Talk issues.

If you have ideas or requests for the next edition of Water Talk, contact editor: Ceil Strauss or 651-259-5713.