Bat HCP Finalized and Incidental Take Permit Issued

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minnesota department of natural resources

Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan

February 10, 2023

Bat HCP Finalized and Incidental Take Permit Issued

Northern long-eared bat hibernating in cave


Minnesota DNR Receives Incidental Take Permit

Early in 2023 the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) finalized the Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan (Bat HCP). As a result of completing the Bat HCP, the DNR’s Incidental Take Permit (ITP) from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) for the four covered bat species in the Bat HCP was issued and signed by all parties on February 6, 2023. The ITP will ensure forest management activities in endangered bat habitat on DNR-managed land can continue without additional consultation with USFWS.

Through the ITP, the DNR can extend take authorization to eligible nonfederal landowners through a Landowner Enrollment Program (LEP). The DNR is currently developing the internal programming that is needed to begin making the LEP available for landowners. More information about the LEP will be shared via this list and the Bat HCP webpage when the program is ready to announce.


If you have questions about the Bat HCP, please email