Update: Eagle Chick Flies!

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minnesota department of natural resources

June 23 , 2022

An eagle chick with their wings spread out

E1 testing her wings

June 23, 2022

E1 takes the bold flight

Early in the morning on June 23, 2022, E1 (the first eagle chick to hatch in 2022) decided to take her first flight. This is the official fledge!  

Eaglets typically fledge around 12 weeks. E1 is a little over 13 weeks, so she’s right on schedule. She has been testing her wings, jumping higher and higher in the wind gusts. She has displayed good stability and capability to jump high with her wings out and land back in the nest. This is a great sign of strength and flight control that bodes well for her coming adventures!

For the next few weeks, E1 will likely leave the nest for longer and longer flights. The adult female will demonstrate hunting techniques, but will continue to provide E1 food on a less frequent basis.

This is an exciting time at the nest, so stay tuned to watch nature up-close and learn all about eagles!


NOTE TO CAM WATCHERS - clicking noise: The microphone at the nest is faulty. A replacement arrived too late to install this season. The eagles cannot hear the clicking noise, but it can be bothersome to hear when watching the EagleCam. We suggest muting your sound until next season if it is bothersome.


An eagle chick standing on a nest surrounded by green foliage

E1 taking a rest after flight

Visit the DNR EagleCam: mndnr.gov/eaglecam

Minnesota Nongame Wildlife Program

The Minnesota Nongame Wildlife Program helps protect and preserve thousands of Minnesota wildlife species. But we couldn’t do it without your support!


Community support in the form of tax form donations, monetary gifts, purchase of Critical Habitat License Plates, and volunteering, is foundational to the program and wildlife diversity in Minnesota. Thanks to you, we are able to restore habitats, conduct crucial surveys and monitoring, engage in outreach and education (like our Eagle and Falcon cams), and complete other important projects. Please visit mndnr.gov/nongame to learn more or mndnr.gov/donate to donate to our program. Donations are tax deductible and are double matched by the Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) license plate fund. So a $10 donation becomes $30 for Minnesota’s wildlife and natural areas! Thank you.