This email contains important information about the Provider Hub and is sent to all family child care providers, licensed child care center Authorized Agents, and certified center Center Operators. Please forward this information to others in your organization who use the Provider Hub and encourage them to subscribe to receive these updates.
Development is underway for the Provider Hub experience for family child care providers and the redesigned Licensing Information Lookup (LIL) for child care. As our development progresses, we make adjustments to our estimated launch timelines to deliver the best possible experiences for providers. The most recent timeline information is below:
Family Child Care
Pilot: A small, representative group of counties and providers will use the Provider Hub as part of a pilot in September. The pilot will help the product team collect feedback quickly and plan improvements to our training materials, customer support processes, and with time, to the Hub itself. The pilot group is currently being determined and will be announced once it is finalized.
Statewide Launch: The Provider Hub will launch statewide to all family child care providers in October. Additional details, more precise timelines, and training information will be shared in advance of the launch.
Technology Access: Family child care providers will need access to an internet-connected device to log into the Provider Hub and to manage license information as needed. Providers who have limited to no access to the internet or are not comfortable using technology should consider taking steps to prepare in advance of the launchA resource been developed to help connect providers with resources available across the state, and technology grants are available to help providers obtain access to technology.
Licensing Information Lookup (LIL)
- The redesign of Licensing Information Lookup (LIL) for child care is underway. In February, Change Networks saw mockups of the new LIL currently in development. The new LIL will launch in October with the statewide rollout of Phase 3.
Child Care Assistance Program Provider Registration
- The CCAP Provider Registration feature is no longer part of Phase 3 and will be launched in April 2025 to coordinate with the centralization of CCAP registration to the State. This alignment allows DHS and CCAP agencies to manage resources more efficiently.
Please note that this continues to be a planned, tentative timeline. We will continue to adapt as needed and share updates along the way.
The product team is continuing to engage with providers on the redesign of the Provider Hub personnel feature to bring a better experience to providers. Provider Change Network participants saw design mockups of the new experience last week.
A survey will be sent to licensed and certified center providers tomorrow, April 23, to gather additional input on personnel functionality and verify that the proposed redesigned experience will meet provider's needs. The survey will be open for one week through Tuesday, April 30.
We appreciate your honest and candid feedback!
The Great Start Compensation Support Payment Program application is being added as a feature in the Provider Hub later this year.
Providers applying for Great Start Compensation funding will not be required to submit detailed enrollment and attendance data with the application until all providers can do so in the Provider Hub after the statewide launch to family child care in Phase 3.
Specific information on movement to the Provider Hub for each license type can be found below:
Current Process
- Providers submit high-level enrollment and attendance information with the Great Start application outside of the Provider Hub.
June 2024
- The application window for ALL providers applying for Great Start Compensation Support Payment Program funding will open on the 10th of each month and close on the 23rd.
- A small group of licensed center and certified center providers will participate in a pilot program for the Great Start Compensation functionality in the Provider Hub.
- All providers will continue to submit only high-level enrollment and attendance information with the application.
July 2024
- All licensed center and certified center providers applying for Great Start funding will complete their applications in the Provider Hub. Family child care providers will continue to complete the application outside of the Hub as they do today.
Fall 2024
- Family child care providers will begin to submit Great Start applications in the Provider Hub.
- ALL providers will be required to submit detailed enrollment and attendance data with the Great Start application.
For more information about the Great Start Compensation Support Payment Program and the enrollment and attendance requirement, visit the Great Start Compensation Support Payment Program website.
For more information about the Great Start application feature in the Provider Hub, visit the Systems Transformation website.
The Provider Hub Enrollment and Attendance features continue to be developed to enable providers with tools to provide electronic enrollment and attendance records in a more flexible and convenient way. This free, optional tool will allow manual child enrollment and attendance entry, along with an optional parent/guardian kiosk mode in the Provider Hub.
In June 2024, licensed center and certified centers will have the opportunity to participate in a pilot of the Enrollment & Attendance feature in the Provider Hub before detailed electronic enrollment and attendance data become a requirement for the Great Start Compensation application in Fall 2024.
The Enrollment & Attendance feature will launch to all licensed center and certified center Provider Hub users in July2024.
The Systems Transformation Initiative recently overhauled our website. View the new website here.
The following changes are now live in the Provider Hub:
- Provider Actions now display more information, including Business License (BL) number, program name, and address that links the Provider Action to the BL. Providers now also receive confirmation once the action has been completed.
- When entering experience for Teacher #1 and #4, the Provider Hub will now properly require Assistant Teacher experience to meet these qualifications and prompt for a variance if Assistant Teacher experience is not entered.
- An email template sent during the application process was updated to accurately reflect the licensor on-call hotline number (651-431-6015).
Program Closure Permissions
- User permissions were updated to only allow Authorized Agents and Center Operators to submit a program closure request and to collect data retention information as part of the request. Additionally, program closure can no longer be requested when the program is already closed.
As new features and functionality are rolled out, training and resources will be provided. More information will be communicated as opportunities arise. For support with existing functionality, review the Product Support information below.
A toolbar at the bottom of every page in the Provider Hub includes information to contact the assigned licensor or licensor on-call with licensing questions, connect with a Wayfinder Navigator to access resources for capacity building, and call or submit a case with the Provider Hub Product Experience Team for technical issues.
Provider Hub Product Support
Additionally, knowledge and help articles are built into the Provider Hub. To access these resources, navigate to the Help & Resources tab on the top bar of the homepage. Help articles can also be searched by navigating to Product Support in the bottom toolbar.
For more information about the Systems Transformation and the Provider Hub, visit the Systems Transformation website.
Technical Support: Call 651-431-6075 or submit a case in the Provider Hub.
Feedback: Email the product team at