DHS-1609-ENG Nonreceipt/Replacement Request
DHS-3550-ENG Minnesota Child Care Assistance Program Application
DHS-4795-ENG Minnesota Child Care Assistance Programs Quality Differential Rate Request Form
DHS-7218-ENG Swaddling Consent for an Infant
DHS-7307-ENG Housing Focused Person-Centered Plan
DHS-7356B-ENG Child Care Assistance Program Accuracy Review - Service Authorization
DHS-7941-ENG Withdrawal of License Application
DHS-8227-ENG Checklist for Children's Records – Licensed Child Care Centers
DHS-8228-ENG Checklist for Personnel Records – Licensed Child Care Centers
DHS-8229-ENG Checklist for Personnel Records – Licensed Child Care Centers
DHS-8272-ENG Appeal Party Document Submission Form
DHS-8475-ENG Foster Care/CRS Age or Overnight Supervision Variance Request
DHS-8547-ENG MFIP Study Statement
DHS-8557-ENG Replacement of Stolen EBT Benefits
Form(s) made obsolete:
DHS-7414A-ENG - Child Care Emergency Plan (replaced by DHS-7955)
DHS-8337-ENG - Agreement Between Foster Parents and Child Foster Care Licensing Agency (replaced by DHS-0139)
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Please note that the following forms may have new web addresses. Web pages or other documents that link to these forms may need to be updated.