This email includes important information about the Provider Hub launch for Phase 3, which includes family child care, county licensing, and child care assistance (CCAP) provider registration and renewal.
The Product Team is committed to providing a digital licensing experience that meets the needs of all providers and licensors. We are continuously adapting based on feedback and lessons learned. As a result, the Phase 3 Provider Hub launch timeline, strategy and approach are changing:
To ensure the provider Hub functionality is best suited to the expansion to family child care and CCAP, our team is dedicating additional focus and resources towards improving the underlying Provider Hub functionality that will have far-reaching benefits for family child care providers and CCAP.
We are adding a pilot phase to the launch that will allow select providers and county licensing agencies to try the Provider Hub on a smaller scale and give feedback that will contribute to improvements and updates before the full launch to all providers and counties.
The changes described above add additional time to our overall launch timeline. Our updated plan is to kickoff the pilot this summer, with a full launch shortly after.
We recognize we have shared several timeline updates and changes throughout the course of this initiative, and we want to be transparent that this timeline may continue to shift and change. Above all else, our team is dedicated to ensuring a positive and successful transition to a digital licensing experience, and we are continuously evaluating if we are on track for that goal and adjusting our plan as needed. We will continue to communicate with you regularly and transparently, and we will ensure you have the information and resources you need with plenty of time before the launch of the Provider Hub.
Interested in participating in the pilot? Participation in the pilot is voluntary. More information will be shared in the future about how to volunteer for the pilot.
Thank you for continuing to share feedback and partner with us as we work to collaboratively create a digital licensing experience.
Certified and licensed child care centers are already actively using the Provider Hub. The launch of Phase 3 will also add new features to the Provider Hub for all child care providers, in addition to launching the Hub for family child care. New features for certified and licensed child care centers include:
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) provider registration available for all provider types
New public website, replacing Licensing Information Lookup for child care
For more information about the Provider Hub, visit the Systems Transformation website. If you have additional questions or feedback, email the product team at