Important hearing aid news
Minnesota Department of Human Services sent this bulletin at 10/25/2023 02:35 PM CDTIf you or a loved one need hearing aids, there's an important change in Minnesota law that you should know about.
In the 2023 legislative session, Minnesota lawmakers changed Minnesota Statute 62Q.675, which addresses hearing aid coverage by health insurance plans.
The old language said health insurance plans must cover hearing aids for children up to age 18.
The new language says:
[62Q.675] [HEARING AIDS.] A health plan must cover hearing aids for all individuals for hearing loss that is not correctable by other covered procedures. Coverage required under this section is limited to one hearing aid in each ear every three years. No special deductible, coinsurance, co-payment, or other limitation on the coverage under this section that is not generally applicable to other coverages under the plan may be imposed.
This law took effect July 1, 2023.
What does this mean?
This means that Minnesota health insurance plans must cover hearing aids for those who need them. It doesn't matter if the person is a child or an adult.
There are some limitations to be aware of:
- This law only applies to group health insurers in Minnesota.
- This law does not affect insurers in other states.
- This law does not affect self-insured plans.
- This law does not affect Medicare.
- This law does not require coverage for over-the-counter hearing aids.
How do I find out more?
If you or a loved one need hearing aids, contact your insurance company to find out about your coverage and providers in your network. Then, visit a provider and find out what they recommend for you.
If your insurance company says that hearing aids are not covered, make sure they are aware of the statute change and ask for more information. You may want to follow the recommendations in our Hearing aid insurance appeals guide.
We have several guides that share information about hearing aids and the process of purchasing them:
Questions? Contact Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division
You can contact DHHSD by:
Voice or your preferred relay service: 651-431-5945 or 800-657-3663
Videophone: 651-964-1514
We look forward to serving you!