DHS Adult Protection Newsletter - July 3, 2023

Minnesota Department of Human Services logo

DHS Adult Protection Newsletter

Adult Protection - Aging and Adult Services

dhs.adultprotection@state.mn.us - (651) 431-2609

July 3, 2023

In this issue:

ACL Rule Notice

logo Administration for Community Living ACL

In Fall of 2022 ACL published notice of the agency's intent to develop federal regulations for APS. The draft rules are expected to be posted for public comment late summer/fall. DHS is working with our partners at NAPSA and ADvancing States, as well as independently through our policy team and will analyze and provide feedback on the proposed rule, as can any of you.

Work group focuses on improving communications with Tribal Nations

CountyLink is Minnesota's primary source of policy and procedure information for both Tribal and county human services workers, but the name only recognizes counties. To be more inclusive and to accurately represent the site’s complete audience, a workgroup has committed to renaming CountyLink. Learn more and provide feedback.

Adult Protection SSIS User Guide

The updated Adult Protection SSIS User Guide is available online: Adult Protection SSIS User Guide.

The guide consists of the complete steps and helpful hints needed to complete the APS entries in the Social Services Information System (SSIS).

The SSIS Trainer and DHS Adult Protection staff work collaboratively to update this user guide to reflect system enhancements. The user guide encompasses the process to support APS workers who are responsible for the Adult Protection Program in SSIS.

Check out the “Search” function and the “Hints” throughout the guide to successfully maneuver this guide!

Please visit the SSIS Adult Protection Worker Training website for registration instructions, future training dates, additional resources, and more detailed information about the courses.

July and August APS Foundations Courses Available

Two APS Foundations cohorts are now available: July 25 & 27 and August 22 & 24.

Additional APS Foundations course dates for 2023 are TBD, and will be announced in the Newsletter as soon as they are set. 

2023 Legislative Session

The Minnesota Legislative session adjourned May 22, 2023. DHS is reviewing and analyzing new state allocations for adult protection, one-time and ongoing grants, and new allocation policy lSF 2934 Article 2, Section 7, which passed both legislative bodies and was signed by the Governor. Legislative session summary information will be provided when analysis is complete. Stay tuned!

Quick Tip

Light board with message you got this

Is Assisted Living a Categorical Service in determining eligibility for Adult Protective Services?

Yes, in August 2021 the legislature required that all facilities offering assisted living services must operate under an Assisted Living license from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). This means that regardless of if the provider is alleged to be responsible for maltreatment, the MAARC report is referred to MDH in order to decide if the provider is responsible for maltreatment when the adult resides in Assisted Living. The individual would be considered categorically vulnerable based on the individual residing in a facility licensed as an Assisted Living, regardless of the services received, if the report is referred to APS as the facility provider is not alleged responsible for maltreatment. 


Please connect with the DHS Adult Protection Unit at dhs.adultprotection@state.mn.us or (651) 431-2609.

Quality Assurance

Data help policy makers and the public understand the nature and scope of an issue. In the case of adult protection, data provide a basis to understand if vulnerable adults are treated fairly and justly in our state. Data can impact program evaluation, benchmarks for quality and performance outcomes, budget planning and resource allocation, and inform evidenced based prevention and remediation/service response for vulnerable adults who have been maltreated.

“Without data, you're just another person with an opinion."
― W. Edwards Deming

The image below is from the Evident Change presentation on 6/6/23. The chart shows the percentage of reports screened out via county prioritization guidelines and policy override by race. Discovery sample for Evident Change analysis is from April 2020 - September 2022.

Screen Out by Decision Point - Override Out

APS Training and Resources

DHS Adult Protection Resource Specialist (APRS)

DHS Adult Protection Resource Specialist (APRS) staff support APS workers and supervisors with policy clarification and case consultation regarding intake, assessment, service intervention, and assessment outcomes for the safety and dignity of adults vulnerable to maltreatment reported as having experienced maltreatment. 

Connect with an APRS today at dhs.adultprotection@state.mn.us or (651) 431-2609. 

Vulnerable Adult Protection Dashboard

The Vulnerable Adult Protection Dashboard provides annual state and county data on the number of reports, allegations, and investigation determinations to explain what happens after reports of suspected maltreatment are made to the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC).

MN APS Foundations

MN APS Foundations is an online course offered by the MN DHS Adult Protection Unit and provides basic introduction to the MN adult protection system for new APS professionals, or APS professionals seeking a refresher. The course focuses on fundamental elements such as APS statutes, definitions, MAARC, MN APS Operational Plan, lead investigative agencies (LIAs), and APS case overview from intake to case closure. Attendees will need to complete both days to receive a certificate of completion.

APS Foundations training dates are intended to precede SSIS Adult Protection Worker Training offerings, so APS professionals have the option to attend policy-focused training (APS Foundations) and systems-focused training (SSIS Adult Protection Worker Training) sequentially.

Upcoming APS Foundations Dates (registration is for both days):

July 25 & 27, 2023 (Tu & Th), 8:30a - 12:30p each day | Click Here to Register

August 22 & 24, 2023 (Tu & Th), 8:30a - 12:30p each day | Click Here to Register

Additional 2023 dates TBD

MN APS Foundations supports equity and consistency in service response and outcomes that safeguard and promote dignity for vulnerable adults regardless of their location in Minnesota, and the course addresses core competency training recommendations in the ACL Voluntary Consensus Guidelines for State APS Systems.

Please contact us at dhs.adultprotection@state.mn.us if you have any questions.

SSIS Essentials eLearning

SSIS Essentials is a collection of six eLearning courses designed to provide caseworkers with an introduction to basic navigation and functionality of core SSIS functions. SSIS Essentials eLearning is offered through TrainLink. New workers are encouraged (not required) to take the online SSIS Essentials eLearning courses prior to taking SSIS Adult Protection Worker training.

Please visit the SSIS Essentials eLearning website for registration and TrainLink instructions, technical requirements, and more detailed information about each of the six SSIS Essentials courses.

SSIS Adult Protection Worker Training

The SSIS Adult Protection Worker course is a technical training designed to provide an overview of data entry as related to Adult Protective Services (APS) into SSIS. The training is offered in two half-day virtual classes and is designed for new adult protection workers, SSIS Mentors, and those seeking a refresher. New workers are encouraged to take the online SSIS Essentials eLearning courses prior to SSIS Adult Protection Worker Training. More information can be found on the SSIS Adult Protection Worker Training website.

Upcoming SSIS Adult Protection Worker Training:

  • Jun 26 and 29, 2023 (Mon and Thurs) 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Please visit the SSIS Adult Protection Worker Training website for registration instructions, additional resources, and more detailed information about the course.

NATC logo

National Adult Protective Services Training Center (NATC)

The National Adult Protective Services Training Center (NATC) provides free training for APS professionals nationwide. NATC course topics include: APS Overview; Ethics, Values, and Cultural Responsiveness; Voluntary Case Planning; Trauma-Informed Practices; Case Documentation; and many more. To access, create a free account and click "Find Courses" to view available courses. Check out the NATC LMS User Guide if you need help creating an account or navigating the website.

The NATC is operated by NAPSA and is supported by the ACL. NATC training offerings are supplemental to MN APS Foundations training for APS professionals, and are one method to meet the MN APS statutory requirement of 8 hours annual training specific to adult protection duties.


APS Technical Assistance and Resource Center (TARC)

APS TARC provides a variety of no-cost educational opportunities for APS professionals including webinars, briefs, and toolkits that align with APS Core Competencies in national standards. APS TARC offerings address a wide variety of topics including APS supervision, frauds and scams, interviews with experts, APS investigation, impacts of COVID-19 on APS, and more. Keep up to date with APS TARC offerings by joining their mailing list.

Additional Practice Resources

Find information on adult protection policy, procedure, resources, and training information for mandated reporters and APS on the DHS Adult Protection: Policies and Procedures web page. Specific training resources for APS workers are included under the "Adult protection worker resources and training" drop down. These resources support APS workers meeting education requirements under 626.557 Subd. 9e.

The DHS Adult Protection Newsletter shares knowledge specific to adult protection work in MN, answers common questions regarding adult protection work in MN, and provides awareness of DHS Adult Protection training opportunities. Please contact us with any questions or concerns at dhs.adultprotection@state.mn.us or (651) 431-2609

For more information about DHS Adult Protection, please visit us online DHS AP: Program Overview