Customized living settings for people enrolled in BI and CADI waivers limited to people age 55 or older

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Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP)

March 31, 2023

Customized living services settings for people enrolled in BI and CADI waiver programs limited to people age 55 or older

Effective Jan. 11, 2021, an age limitation was applied to new customized living (CL) services settings for Brain Injury (BI) and Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) waiver programs. Customized living services settings operational on or after Jan. 11, 2021, are limited to serving people on the BI and CADI waivers who are age 55 and older. This change was announced in Implementation of the HCBS rule tiered standards, effective Jan. 11, 2021 in the Disability Services Division eList announcement.

A change in location places CL settings operating before Jan. 11, 2021, under the age limitation
When a CL setting that was operational before Jan. 11, 2021, changes their location, it becomes a new setting and is subject to the BI and CADI CL setting age limitation to serve only people age 55 or older. Providers must notify DHS when a location change occurs.

Lead agencies and customized living services providers are required to follow BI and CADI customized living location, size and age requirements for new customized living settings. Review the Customized living section of the CBSM for information about service policy requirements.

Where to find more information about the customized living services settings requirements
DHS communicates the CL services settings age limit policy for people enrolled in BI or CADI in the CBSM and in the required Customized Living Provider Assurance Statement (DHS-6189X) (PDF) as part of the overview in the HCBS Programs Provider Enrollment section of the Minnesota Health Care Programs Provider Manual.