Behavioral Health Home (BHH) services - January 2023 newsletter

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Behavioral Health Home (BHH) services

Quarterly newsletter

January 2023

In this issue:

This newsletter has been sent to all authorized representatives on each BHH services team. Please forward to other BHH services staff at your organization.

Quarterly updates

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News, programmatic updates, and useful information.

Mobile Transition Services Request for Proposal

On Nov. 30, 2022, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) hosted an information session for BHH services provider. This session was an opportunity for BHH services providers to hear from DHS staff regarding an upcoming Request for Proposal (RFP) for mobile transition services. This grant can be used to establish mobile transition units (and build other capacity) for focusing on adults and children in emergency departments and inpatient hospital settings in need of transition to lower levels of care or community-based services. The meeting was held virtually. If you have any questions, please email:

Persons served through our BHH services programs

We are excited to share that BHH service providers have served over 10,000 people!  To be exact, BHH service providers have served a total of 10,297 people since July 2016.

BHH services provider spotlight



Highlights from the front lines


New BHH services provider: NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center


Staff from NorthPoint’s BHH services team wrote the following spotlight:

NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center is a multi-specialty medical, dental and behavioral health center and human service agency located in North Minneapolis. NorthPoint is a federally qualified community health center (FQHC) offering a comprehensive array of services. Ancillary services available at NorthPoint include optometry, laboratory, radiology, nutrition services, and a full-service pharmacy. NorthPoint’s human services provide a wide range of programs that empower community members to work toward their goals and address their health. NorthPoint is administered through a partnership between Hennepin County and a Community Board of Directors comprising NorthPoint’s patients and people who live or work in the community. NorthPoint strives to improve the physical and socio-economic health of the North Minneapolis community through an integrated model of health and human services.

In 2022, NorthPoint became a certified behavioral health home provider. As a behavioral health home provider, we will incorporate a team-based, person-centered care model, strengthening the pillars of NorthPoint’s mission, which include whole-person integrated care, health equity, and community well-being. NorthPoint values diversity and inclusion to guide our standards of excellence for culturally responsive care. We recognize that patients, family members and supports have valuable insights into their health needs and improving services. Behavioral health home services will allow us to deepen our capacity to meet our community’s specific cultural values and beliefs, improving patient activation and outcomes. Furthermore, providing behavioral health home services will allow increased partnering and relationship building, benefiting the needs of our patients and community. NorthPoint’s vision is to create a healthy, environmentally safe, and economically stable, self-reliant community. The NorthPoint behavioral health home team is inspired to increase health and wellness through programming that is integrated, collaborative and patient-centered in focus. We are excited to make a positive impact in individuals’ lives—and in the overall community—by encouraging healing, growth, and well-being.

Do you want to spotlight your BHH services team in this quarterly newsletter? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact

Incorporating tobacco treatment

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Information related to the use of commercial tobacco products, and how to help people address their use of them.


Did you know that, according to the American Lung Association, tobacco use is the number one cause of death in people with mental illness? Not only that, but it also affects people with mental illness at alarmingly disparate rates compared to the general population. This section will provide ongoing information related to commercial tobacco products and how to help people address their use of them.

Become a Tobacco Treatment Specialist

The Lung Mind Alliance’s next training in February, is offered in two parts consisting of Part 1: a self-paced training and Part 2: offered via Zoom on the following dates: Tobacco Treatment Specialist

Training Date: Feb. 14 – 16, 2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (CT)

Click Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training Registration to register Space is limited, so register now.


Becoming a Tobacco Treatment Specialist Trainer

This "Train the Trainer" opportunity is for people already tobacco treatment specialist (TTS) trained and who want to train others. Becoming a TTS trainer will allow your organization and the Lung Mind Alliance to be more flexible in providing TTS trainings for Minnesota mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) organizations.  Tobacco Treatment Specialist- Train the Trainer Date: April 3 - 4, 2023 Time: 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. (CT) it this placeholder text.

If you are interested in this training please email: Click UMASS Chan Medical School to learn more about these trainings.

MN DHS Partner Portal

Instructions for gaining access to the MN Partner Portal:

Have your organization’s MN-ITS administrator create a profile for you.

Send the following information to

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Work Phone
  • MN-ITS User Name

You will receive a follow-up email letting you know when access has been granted.  The email will include resources to support you in using the partner portal.

Learning and resources

Information on upcoming learning opportunities and available resources that may be helpful for BHH services providers

Population Health Management Webinars

Visit the following links to view these Center of Excellence (CoE) for Integrated Health Solutions (IHS) population health management webinars through the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.


Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2-3 p.m. (ET) – CoE-IHS Webinar: Population Health Part 3 – Clinical Pathways

Thursday, March 9, 2-3 p.m. (ET) – CoE-IHS Webinar: Population Health Part 4 – Real World Examples

Partnering to better coordinate care and increase referrals

Building collaborative relationships with other providers to address whole-person care and promote service sustainability

Save the Date: Learning Days LIVE in 2023

Health Care Homes is excited to announce that Learning Days is returning live and in person at River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Mark your calendars for May 18, 2023. The Learning Days event will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. and will feature two keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and a special workshop led by Health Care Homes Practice Improvement and Integration Specialists.

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