Addressing Gaps Initiative eUpdate: connecting you to resources to improve access to equitable, culturally and linguistically appropriate services for Minnesotans.
Community engagement summit
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), in collaboration with others, will bring together agency staff and community partners for a hybrid Community Engagement Summit, “Transforming Systems with Community,” on Thursday, December 15. Participants will join the effort to establish an agency culture at DHS that centers and values community-led solutions to complex problems in the human services system.
Space to participate in the summit in-person is limited and registration closes on December 8. Visit the Community Engagement Summit page on Eventbrite to register to attend in-person.
There is no capacity limit to attend virtually. Visit the Community Engagement Summit page on WebEx to register to attend virtually.
Age-Friendly Minnesota statewide needs assessment forum
The Age-Friendly Minnesota Council, in collaboration with AARP Minnesota, Rainbow Research and the Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging, is holding a virtual community forum to review new findings from Minnesota’s 2022 State Needs Assessment. The forum will be Wednesday, December 14, from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Visit the MN Leadership Council on Aging's webpage to learn more and register for the event.
Grant Opportunities
Direct support professionals employee-owned cooperatives grant
The Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD) seeks direct care workers who provide home and community-based services (HCBS) for people with disabilities and older adults to apply for the HCBS Workforce Development cooperatives grant.
For more information, visit MCCD's HCBS Workforce Development Grants webpage.
Age-Friendly Minnesota community grants
Age-Friendly Minnesota (AFMN) invites qualified individuals and organizations to apply for Community Grants in mid-January 2023. Community Grant applicants who need support in applying for and/or implementing their grant projects may receive no-cost technical assistance from AFMN Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) Grantees.
For more information about Community Grants and TAP assistance for these grants, visit Age-Friendly Minnesota's website.
Policy changes
Rate and budget changes on January 1, 2023
Effective January 1, 2023, DHS will implement increases to select service rates and monthly budgets. In the coming weeks, DHS will publish additional information and resources about these changes on the Long-term services and supports rate changes webpage. Read the full announcement at Rate and budget changes on Jan. 1, 2023.
Additional resources
The direct care workforce shortage in Minnesota
DHS has a webpage with various resources regarding the direct care workforce shortage in Minnesota. To explore these resources, visit DHS’ direct care workforce shortage webpage.
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For more information about Gaps or to access past e-updates, visit the DHS Gaps website.