This eUpdate shares news and information to connect HCBS and Community Mental Health providers and organizations with resources to address service access issues.
Outreach and engagement
DHS’ LoopBack Podcast
The LoopBack Podcast is a platform for creating dialogue between the Minnesota Department of Human Services and community members on topics of community interest, to uplift community voices and explore how DHS can better serve the people of Minnesota. Throughout the series, DHS staff and community partners discuss the progress and outcomes of recent community engagement efforts as well as answer or address ongoing topics of discussion raised by community members.
Visit the LoopBack Podcast webpage to learn more, find information on how to listen to podcasts and view episode transcripts.
Request for Proposals
CLAS standards technical assistance offered for grantees
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (“State”), through its Behavioral Health, Housing and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Division is seeking proposals from Responders who will enhance or improve ongoing Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards for their organization.
For more information, visit the Minnesota Department of Human Services Grants, Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Requests for Information (RFI) webpage. If you have questions about this RFP, contact Yeeleng Vue, DHS at
Age-Friendly Minnesota technical assistance provider grants
Age-Friendly Minnesota (AFMN) invites qualified individuals and organizations to apply for Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) Grants. TAP Grantees will receive funding to provide no-cost technical assistance to AFMN Community Grant applicants and grantees who need help applying for or administering grant-funded projects.
More information is included in the RFP for Technical Assistance Provider Grants posted on the Age-Friendly Minnesota website.
Customized Living Quality Improvement Grant
The Minnesota Department of Human Services, through its Aging and Adult Services Division (State), is seeking proposals from qualified responders to improve overall quality of life for persons receiving customized living services through the Brain Injury (BI), Community Alternatives for Community Inclusion (CADI) or Elderly Waiver (EW). To be eligible for the CL QI grant, at least 75 percent of the people served by the customized living provider must be waiver program participants.
For more information about the grant and RFP, please visit the Customized Living Quality Improvement grant webpage.
Policy changes
Policy change about temporary admissions to certain facilities for 121 or fewer days
Effective retroactive to May 1, 2022, people who were admitted to certain settings for 121 or fewer days and were receiving HCBS may return to the community with HCBS waiver services without needing an assessment. The 2021 Minnesota Legislative Session amended Minn. Stat. §256B.0911, subd. 3a (n) to include this change.
For information about applicable settings and instructions for lead agencies, visit the full announcement: Policy change about temporary admissions to certain facilities for 121 or fewer days.
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center’s new online course
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) announced a new online course, running from October 24 to November 18, that will provide participants with four weeks of self-paced learning material focused on the intersection of caregiving and transportation.
Visit NADTC’s Events webpage for more information and to register for the course.
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For more information about the Gaps or to access past e-updates, visit the DHS Gaps website.