This eUpdate shares information about current opportunities that may be of interest to those associated with the Gaps Analysis process.
Minnesota Board on Aging - Legal Service Projects
The Minnesota Board on Aging (MBA) is seeking Proposals from qualified responders to develop innovative legal service projects to address the needs of older Minnesotans. The MBA is interested in funding up to four proposals that address current unmet legal needs, serve underserved populations with innovative and/or low cost legal delivery systems, and/or provide technical assistance and expertise to attorneys or advocates working with the most economically and socially vulnerable older adults within the state. The funding for this is available now through September 30, 2024.
The RFP can be found under Reference Number PT3766.
Department of Human Services - Eldercare Development Partnerships
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) is seeking Proposals from qualified responders to form and lead Eldercare Development Partnerships for expansion and support of home and community based services for older adults and caregivers.
The purpose of projects selected by the Commissioner of Human Services is to make strategic changes in the Long-Term Services and Supports system (LTSS) for older adults including statewide capacity for local service development and technical assistance, and statewide availability of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) for older adults and family, friends and neighbors caregiving for older Minnesotans.
The term of any resulting contract is anticipated to be for one year, from July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2023. The State may extend the contract up to a total of five (5) years.
For more information regarding this opportunity, visit the DHS Eldercare Development Partnership Grants website.
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