This eUpdate shares information about the Gaps Analysis process current activities and opportunities.
Gaps Analysis Planning Survey
Thank you to those that have had past involvement in the DHS Gaps Analysis effort. As we plan for the next few years, we would like to make sure that you have an opportunity to provide input to guide the direction of Gaps Analysis. Our mission is to connect partners with resources to improve access to equitable, and culturally- and linguistically-appropriate services for Minnesotans.
Please take this 5-10 minute survey by Sept. 16 to help inform our future iteration of the Gaps Analysis process.
For those new to Gaps Analysis, it is an ongoing process to improve access to a key set of services for:
- Older adults
- People with disabilities
- Children, youth, and adults living with mental health conditions in Minnesota.
Subscribe to the Gaps Analysis Current Efforts e-update to stay informed about all activities and opportunities.
For more information about the Gaps Analysis or to access past e-updates, visit the DHS Gaps Analysis website.