SFY 2022 Eligibility Guidelines and Administrative Allowance
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has issued new guidelines for determining Behavioral Health Fund (BHF) financial eligibility for substance use disorder treatment. Please read and follow the guidelines in the Behavioral Health Funds (BHF) SFY 2022 Eligibility Determination (DHS-6770) (PDF) effective from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
While Medicaid enrollment is not required, individual(s) who qualify for funding may likely be Medicaid eligible and are encouraged to use the BHF income eligibility process as an opportunity to start the Medicaid application process. Getting BHF recipients enrolled in Medicaid helps ensure BHF recipients can get the range of health care services needed as they go forward in their recovery.
Minnesota Statute section 254B.02, subdivision 5 notes that the commissioner may make payments to local agencies from money allocated under this section to support administrative activities. Please reference the BHF SFY 2022 Administrative Allowance Report (PDF) for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2022 Tribal and County Administrative Allowance maximum amounts.
For more information, please contact dhs.ccdtf@state.mn.us
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For more information about this e-Memo please feel free to contact us at youropinionmatters.dhs@state.mn.us