Commissioner Jodi Harpstead joined other state officials in issuing a statement about the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 17 ruling to uphold the Affordable Care Act. It read in part:
“Today, the United States Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the Affordable Care Act. This is a huge relief for the hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans who get health care coverage through the law - whether from Medicaid or MinnesotaCare, or if they purchase health insurance through MNsure."
Read the full statement:
Expansion of food benefits to youngest Minnesotans supports overall health, wellness
More than most people, Tikki Brown, DHS assistant commissioner for children and family services, understands the importance of expanding food aid to the state’s youngest residents. Read more about the new Pandemic EBT benefit, available to some 81,000 Minnesota children age 5 and younger, in a June 16 MinnPost article.
Más recursos disponibles de salud mental para niños en las escuelas este verano
Governor Tim Walz’s summer learning plan includes a one-time allocation of $6.1 million for School-Linked Mental Health grants to support more than 8,000 students in over 1,100 public schools across Minnesota this summer. DHS translated a short article on the grants that ran July 1 in La Matraca News, a publication aimed at Minnesota’s Latino community.
An English version of the article was published in Red Lake Nation News.
KIDS COUNT: Minnesota ranks third overall, but fault lines in systems exacerbated by pandemic; Black, indigenous and children of color experience vast disparities in outcomes
Minnesota ranked third among states for overall child well-being, improving in health and education rankings but falling in the Family and Community domain from 2020, according to the latest edition of the national 2021 KIDS COUNT Data Book, released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Read more in Insight News.
Northstar Care for Children: Encouraging safe, permanent homes for children (PDF)
Child protection in Minnesota: Keeping children safe (PDF)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program helps people with low incomes buy food (PDF)