News from DHS for January 2018

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News from DHS

January 2018

News from DHS archive

In this issue:

Human services projects part of governor’s bonding proposal

Gov. Mark Dayton on Jan. 16 proposed a public works bill that would invest $1.5 billion in critical infrastructure projects statewide, including investments in important human services projects. The proposal includes $16.2 million in investments at the Minnesota Sex Offender Program’s St. Peter facility; $2.2 million to update the St. Peter Dietary Building, which serves the Minnesota Security Hospital and Sex Offender Program; $6.8 million for upgrades at the Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center; and $13.9 million to design and construct two residential treatment facilities for MSOP clients who are suited for less restrictive treatment. Read more in a news release from the Governor’s Office.

Minnesota Autism Resource website now available to support autism community

The Minnesota Autism Resource website is now available for youth and adults with autism as well as parents, teachers, social service and health care professionals and others to get and share information about autism spectrum disorders and related conditions (ASD). A key strategy for the Minnesota Autism Resource website is crowdsourcing content, where individuals and organizations submit content for posting on the website. More information is available in a news release.

Governor Dayton, DEED Announce Additional $519,000 in Grants for Minnesota Child Care Program

Governor Mark Dayton and the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) announced $519,000 in additional funding for the Minnesota Child Care Grant program on Jan. 9. The grant program is designed to increase the supply of quality child care providers in communities statewide. More information and a list of recipients can be found in a DEED news release.

DHS seeking nominations for the Commissioner’s Circle of Excellence Awards

Nominations are being accepted for the annual Commissioner's Circle of Excellence Awards, which recognize excellence among human services providers, counties, tribes, advocacy groups and other organizations that work in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Human Services to help people meet their basic needs so they can live in dignity and achieve their highest potential. The nomination deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28. For more information and to access the nomination form, visit the DHS Commissioner’s Awards page.

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DHS in the community

Opioids roundtable

On Jan. 12, DHS Deputy Commissioner Chuck Johnson attended a roundtable with U.S. Sen. Tina Smith, NAMI Minnesota, the Minnesota Hospital Association, St. Gabriel's Health and others to talk about what can be done at the federal level to help Minnesota address the opioid crisis.

St. Thomas healthcare roundtable

Commissioner Emily Piper spoke on Jan. 26 at the University of St. Thomas - Opus College of Business Executive Health Care Roundtable about Integrated Health Partnerships.

In the news

Links to some news articles about DHS during January:

Fact sheets updated during January

Fact sheets about DHS programs were updated during January: