Personal Health Record for LTSS (PHR):
The Otter Tail County PHR collaborative is moving forward with work on translating encounter alert messages sent from the local primary care provider, Lake Region Healthcare, to the RelayHealth portal.
The Southern Prairie PHR collaborative is currently working on on-boarding the rest of the beneficiaries to the PHR. Southern Prairie will also start sending out requested action messages to participants starting next week, in an effort to engage the users. This will mirror the process for user engagement that the Otter Tail collaborative followed.
MN.IT @ DHS has launched expanded functionality of the PHR, which allows us to automatically
push DHS data into the Southern Prairie PHR records, similar to how we’re pushing
data to the Otter Tail County PHR collaborative.
We continue to assist the Georgia TEFT team in leading the effort to take the eLTSS standard the next step, which is hashing out the technical details of the standards’ transport mechanism and
bringing the standard to an SDO (Standards Development Organization) to attain
official recognition as a standard. We continue to provide feedback from a Minnesota perspective as the Georgia team prepares to take our work to an HL7 workgroup.
Provider organizations of the Southern Prairie
Community Collaborative are continuing to prepare for exchange of the Otter
Tail County eLTSS standard data set. Partner organizations are mapping existing data fields within their EHRs to the OTC standard and are determining how to extract their data into the
standard template form we created with OTC.
Provider organizations of the Otter Tail County Collaborative have begun the round 2 exchange of the OTC eLTSS data set standard. In round 2, there will be more responding organizations for information requests because of the work that was done to connect more of the providers' internal electronic health records (EHR) to the Microsoft Access database platform for creation of the form with standard "look and feel".
FASI (Functional Assessment Standardized Items):
Our work plan for FASI round 2 is aiming to learn whether there are aspects of FASI that could/should be incorporated at a later date into MnCHOICES, or which could help us improve on the way we ask existing MnCHOICES questions. We do not intend to use the FASI instrument itself beyond the end of the TEFT Grant.
The TEFT team continues to have weekly calls with the vendor that will be conducting round 2 FASI assessments. We have begun to reach out to beneficiaries and will hopefully begin conducting assessments at the end of January.
FASI assessments will be conducted in the 7 county metro area during January - March, 2018. Our plan is to assess up to 120 Elderly Waiver beneficiaries and 120 CADI Waiver recipients with physical disabilities.
Experience of Care:
As noted before, we received permission from CMS to forego the
second round of testing of the Experience of Care survey a/k/a Beneficiary
Experience Survey. DHS leadership concluded that further testing of this survey
would unduly burden the targeted population as it would duplicate other efforts
already under way in MN.
What are the PHR for LTSS Demo's goals?
- Demonstrate use of an untethered Personal Health Record
(PHR) system with beneficiaries of LTSS;
- Identify, evaluate and test an electronic Long Term Services and
Supports (e-LTSS) standard with the Office of the National Coordinator's
(ONC) Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework process;
- Field test a Beneficiary Experience Survey within multiple
CB-LTSS programs for validity and reliability; and
- Field test a set of Functional Assessment Standardized Items (FASI) measures for use with
beneficiaries of CB-LTSS programs.
Where can I learn more?