Mental Health Innovation Grant Program is a new grant program intended to improve access to and the quality of community-based, outpatient mental health services and reduce the number of people admitted to regional treatment centers (RTCs) and community behavioral health hospitals (CBHH). Part of Minnesota’s 2017 legislative package, funds for this grant program come from revenue captured from the county share of treatment costs for people receiving care at Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center (AMRTC) and CBHHs.
An RFP will be issued soon
A competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process will be published before the end of calendar year 2017. $2.171 million will be made available for fiscal years 2018/2019. Grant awards and contracting will be executed the beginning of calendar year 2018 and will be made available through June 30, 2019. Future awards are intended to cover a two-year period. Grantees will be challenged to begin implementation immediately.
To learn when the RFP is published, you’ll want to subscribe to the Mental Health Division’s ListServ: Adult mental health: news, initiatives, reports, workgroups webpage. Follow instructions to "Sign Up for the Mental Health News mailing list."
A tentative, grant responder’s conference is scheduled in December 2017. Date, time and location to be announced.
The projects
This project will add and develop services/supports to Minnesota’s Mental Health System such as:
- Intensive residential treatment services (IRTS) providing time-limited mental health services in a residential setting
- Short-term and critical access centers and/or supportive living environments
- Collaborative efforts between crisis teams and hospitals
- Community support programs and services that integrate multi-disciplinary practitioners (acupuncturists, art/music therapists, cultural consultants/experts, certified peer specialists, certified yoga instructors, healing touch and Reiki practitioners, massage therapists, mental health practitioners/professionals, physical/occupational therapists, prescribers, traditional and/or indigenous healers and practices, vocational coaches, etc.)
Proposals will integrate cultural, local and regional aspects important to/for people and families to achieve and maintain equanimity, health and wellness in their own community. New and expanded mental health services/supports will identify prevention and postvention strategies that connect to peoples’ holistic ways of healing and recovering from mental illness.
The grantees
Eligible applicants include Counties, Tribes, mental health service providers, hospitals, or community partnerships.
Half of all grants will be awarded to eligible applicants in the metropolitan area and half to eligible applicants outside the metropolitan area.
Grantees will be selected by a diverse, integrative community panel representative of community members, providers and services-users. The community panel that selects grantees will inform the (future) design of an advisory panel that will provide accountability, direction and oversight to grantees’ projects and based upon service-users’ experiences and evaluative reports of program measures/outcomes. Data gathered will inform the direction of the overall project and report to the Minnesota legislature on December 1, 2019.
Key informants that will shape the design and determine the successful implementation of the project include RTCs and CBHHs’ personnel and people accessing these services. Awards will be based upon a demonstrable commitment to equity, under-served communities, multi-disciplinary collaborations and visionary ways of helping all adults living with mental illness reduce psychiatric emergencies and entrance into RTCs and CBHHs. Awardees will develop and/or enhance mental health services, which promote access, inclusion, improve quality and the overall experience of service-users and their family of choice.
For more information see Minnesota Statutes, section 245.4662 and/or contact, 651-503-4050.
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