PHR for LTSS Demo - June Update

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PHR for LTSS Demo

PHR for LTSS Demo Past Updates

June 19, 2017

PHR for LTSS Demo - June Update

MN eHealth Summit TEFT presentation photo
Photo of DHS TEFT staff presenting at the 2017 eHealth Summit

Personal Health Record for LTSS (PHR):

Staff from the Otter Tail County Collaborative and DHS spoke at the MN eHealth Summit on June 15 and shared lessons learned from the project. We're also looking forward to speaking at the DHS Age & Disabilities Conference on June 21.  

MN.IT @ DHS is continuing to develop recipient and case manager management tools for the back end of the system. This will allow for TEFT admin staff to have better control over the management of beneficiary and case manager accounts in the PHR. Work is also being done to figure out how to incorporate data for up to two additional PHR Community Collaboratives. 

The TEFT team traveled to Redwood Falls for a second meeting on June 6th of the Southern Prairie PHR Community Collaborative. Collaborative and DHS staff are preparing to recruit, train, onboard, and support additional users of the RelayHealth PHR system in Cottonwood, Jackson, and Redwood counties. The goal for launching the Southern Prairie PHR is September 30, 2017. 

Contract discussions are continuing with one additional collaborative that responded to the latest RFP. 


We're continuing to participate in weekly ONC S&I Framework calls to harmonize the national eLTSS standard. Also, members of the new Southern Prairie Community Collaborative have begun analyzing their data systems in preparation for sharing data based on the Otter Tail County eLTSS standard. 

FASI (Functional Assessment Standardized Items):

We have so far completed about 180 of a total 367 FASI assessments. We have also begun planning for round 2.

Experience of Care:

As noted before, we received permission from CMS to forego the second round of testing of the Experience of Care survey a/k/a Beneficiary Experience Survey. DHS leadership concluded that further testing of this survey would unduly burden the targeted population as it would duplicate other efforts already under way in MN.

What are the PHR for LTSS Demo's goals?

  1. Demonstrate use of an untethered Personal Health Record (PHR) system with beneficiaries of LTSS;
  2. Identify, evaluate and test an electronic Long Term Services and Supports (e-LTSS) standard with the Office of the National Coordinator's (ONC) Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework process;
  3. Field test a Beneficiary Experience Survey within multiple CB-LTSS programs for validity and reliability; and
  4. Field test a set of Functional Assessment Standardized Items (FASI) measures for use with beneficiaries of CB-LTSS programs.

Where can I learn more?