Personal Health Record for LTSS (PHR):
Now that Release 1 of the PHR has been launched, we're working closely with MN.IT @ DHS staff to develop incremental point releases that will provide more data to the participants and functionality on the back end. Currently, the profile page we push to the PHR users includes demographic information, waiver information, case manager contact info, and financial worker contact info. Now, we plan to add more data elements to the profile page about the beneficiary's major program. In addition, we'll develop internal functionality that will allow us to better monitor the sending of DHS information to the RelayHealth PHR.
Currently, we have 43 PHR users in the Otter Tail PHR
Collaborative and we're working to on-board 4 new beneficiaries.
We held our first collaborative meeting with the Southern Prairie PHR Community Collaborative last month. We look forward to extending our PHR and eLTSS efforts to a group of beneficiaries in the southwest Minnesota counties of Jackson, Cottonwood, and Redwood.
OTC Collaborative partners continue to execute “real world” data exchange using the new OTC standard. In addition, OTC partners are currently working on an assignment that identifies the reasons for why certain data elements are not available within their record systems and commenting on how current the information is within those data fields.
FASI (Functional Assessment Standardized Items):
FASI assessments have begun as of April 1, 2017 in the 7 county metropolitan area. DHS staff are working with Truven and Vital Research to
ensure there are sufficient sample records to reach their
goals for the number of people to be assessed.
Experience of Care:
As noted before, we received permission from CMS to forego the
second round of testing of the Experience of Care survey a/k/a Beneficiary
Experience Survey. DHS leadership concluded that further testing of this survey
would unduly burden the targeted population as it would duplicate other efforts
already under way in MN.
What are the PHR for LTSS Demo's goals?
- Demonstrate use of an untethered Personal Health Record
(PHR) system with beneficiaries of LTSS;
- Identify, evaluate and test an electronic Long Term Services and
Supports (e-LTSS) standard with the Office of the National Coordinator's
(ONC) Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework process;
- Field test a Beneficiary Experience Survey within multiple
CB-LTSS programs for validity and reliability; and
- Field test a set of Functional Assessment Standardized Items (FASI) measures for use with
beneficiaries of CB-LTSS programs.
Where can I learn more?