Personal Health Record for LTSS (PHR):
We're currently testing automation of the PHR (which will enable nightly updates to the PHR that come from DHS) and are preparing to launch it soon. As we prepare for the launch, we continue to document important lessons learned about internal DHS systems, the PHR system, and what it takes to integrate data from DHS to the PHR.
Currently, we have 43 people using the PHR:
- 15 beneficiaries/ legal representatives
- 8 county case managers
- 20 provider staff members
We hosted our first set of focus groups in February and received some excellent feedback on the PHR from beneficiaries, legal representatives, case managers and provider staff. The feedback we received related to the usability of the PHR portal and the activities of the PHR pilot project.
We continue to move forward with our eLTSS (electronic Long-Term Services and Supports) standard efforts.
The Otter Tail Collaborative is currently exchanging the Otter Tail eLTSS data elements about real beneficiaries by sending a standardized form to each other through the secure messaging function in the RelayHealth portal. These messages include information about a beneficiary who is on Medical Assistance.
Testing Round One of FASI (Functional Assessment Standardized Items) will begin in early April 2017. We recently sent a letter to each of the 7 metro counties' lead assessors to remind them of our FASI efforts, and to reiterate that FASI is NOT a replacement for MnCHOICES. We do hope to learn some things from FASI that may inform future enhancements to MnCHOICES.
Experience of Care:
As noted before, we received permission from CMS to forego the
second round of testing of the Experience of Care survey a/k/a Beneficiary
Experience Survey. DHS leadership concluded that further testing of this survey
would unduly burden the targeted population as it would duplicate other efforts
already under way in MN.
What are the PHR for LTSS Demo's goals?
- Demonstrate use of an untethered Personal Health Record
(PHR) system with beneficiaries of LTSS;
- Identify, evaluate and test an electronic Long Term Services and
Supports (e-LTSS) standard with the Office of the National Coordinator's
(ONC) Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework process;
- Field test a Beneficiary Experience Survey within multiple
CB-LTSS programs for validity and reliability; and
- Field test a modified set of Continuity Assessment Record and
Evaluation (CARE) Functional Assessment measures for use with
beneficiaries of CB-LTSS programs.
Where can I learn more?