PHR for LTSS Demo - December Update
Personal Health Record for LTSS (PHR):
We're getting closer to completing the automated launch of the PHR. Currently, we're manually updating beneficiary information that can be viewed in the portal, but soon this information will be automatically uploaded on a nightly basis (whenever there is a change to beneficiary information).
Right now, we have 38 people using the PHR:
- 13 beneficiaries/ legal representatives
- 8 case managers
- 17 staff members
Even with this limited number of participants, the number of lessons we're learning keeps growing and we continue to diligently record and organize them for future use. Some of the lessons we have learned so far are:
- How fields are updated in MMIS/ MAXIS and how these two systems interact
- Issues and technical challenges that arise when attempting to transfer data from DHS to the RelayHealth portal (PHR)
- How legal representatives will use the portal on behalf of beneficiaries
- Feedback from beneficiaries, legal representatives, and case managers about how the portal could be improved to better fit their needs
We continue to move forward with our eLTSS (electronic Long-Term Services and Supports) standard efforts. As a recap, we reviewed 456 possible data elements with the providers in the Otter Tail Collaborative and determined which data fields they wish to exchange.
We also created a standard form that will be exchanged between the Otter Tail Collaborative providers that includes a set of 123 fields they agreed they would want to share. This form that has a standard "look and feel" so that it can be easily interpreted by the various providers in the Otter Tail Collaborative.
The documents and tools that we'll be using for the FASI (Functional Assessment Standard Items) assessment have been approved by the DHS IRB (Institutional Review Board). We've prepared the letters and data sample that we'll use to perform the assessments. We're currently awaiting approval from the federal Office of Management and Budget before we can proceed with field testing the FASI instruments. We'll also be sending out an informational letter to the county leads for where we'll be conducting the FASI assessment so they can stay informed of our efforts.
Experience of Care:
We received permission from CMS to forego the second round of testing of the Experience of Care survey a/k/a Beneficiary Experience Survey. DHS leadership concluded that further testing of this survey would unduly burden the targeted population as it would duplicate other efforts already under way in MN.
RFP for Additional PHR:
DHS is currently reviewing submitted proposals for additional PHR Community Collaboratives. Updates will be coming soon.
What are the PHR for LTSS Demo's goals?
- Demonstrate use of an untethered Personal Health Record (PHR) system with beneficiaries of LTSS;
- Identify, evaluate and test an electronic Long Term Services and Supports (e-LTSS) standard with the Office of the National Coordinator's (ONC) Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework process;
- Field test a Beneficiary Experience Survey within multiple CB-LTSS programs for validity and reliability; and
- Field test a modified set of Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) Functional Assessment measures for use with beneficiaries of CB-LTSS programs.
Where can I learn more?