DHS seeks input to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Disability Services Division eList

DATE: Oct. 10, 2016
TO: Lead agency staff and other interested stakeholders
FROM: DHS Disability Services Division in collaboration with Minnesota's Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and Department of Education (MDE)

EFFECTIVE: Immediately
PURPOSE OF eLIST: Share an opportunity to provide input on cross-agency work related to employment
CONTACT: DSD.EmploymentFirst@state.mn.us

DHS seeks input to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities

We want to hear stories and examples of how various state agencies have worked together to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

We want you to tell your story and help us identify programs that are working or not working. Having examples of local agency collaboration efforts will help state agencies understand what needs to change at the state level to support competitive, integrated employment.


Here are some examples of stories you might share:

  • Have you seen a time when Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS), a county and/or a school combined creatively to help a person with disability achieve employment?
  • Have you experienced a time when there were barriers to helping a person gain employment because policies or the funding structures between VRS, counties and/or high schools didn’t align?

How to submit your story

If you have a story to share, please complete this story template, DHS-7279 (PDF) and return it using the submit button on Page 4 of the form. 

The more details you provide about the situation (e.g., the specific services provided and for how long, etc.), the better. It will help the committee understand the scenario and begin work to break down gaps and/or barriers.


    Visit CBSM — What's New page often for a list of policies/pages we've recently updated in the DSD Community-Based Services Manual.