Technology for Home change of address

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Disability Services Division eList


July 21, 2016

TO: Lead agency staff and other interested stakeholders
FROM: DHS Disability Services Division
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
PURPOSE: Provide all interested stakeholders with updated information about the Technology for Home program
CONTACT: Technology for Home 

Technology for Home change of address

Technology for Home, a Minnesota Department of Human Services grant program, has moved its office. The new address is:

8100 Penn Avenue South
Suite 137
Bloomington, MN 55431
952-921-8334 (Office)
952-921-8335 (Fax)

Technology for Home offers at-home, in-person assistive technology (AT) consultation and technical assistance to help people with disabilities live more independently. People who want to stay home or move home direct the outcome; Technology for Home assists with the AT resources. Expert consultants will provide possible, cost-effective solutions and communicate with the county to develop a plan for people who receive home care or home and community based waiver services.