Crisis respite service now available under the BI and CADI waivers

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Disability Services Division eList


July 5, 2016

TO: Lead agency staff and other interested stakeholders
FROM: DHS Disability Services Division waiver policy staff
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2016
PURPOSE: To announce that the crisis respite service is now available under the BI and CADI waivers

Crisis respite service now available under the BI and CADI waivers

DHS received federal approval to add crisis respite to the services available to people on the Brain Injury (BI) and Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) waivers. Lead agency staff can authorize this service for a person on the BI or CADI waiver beginning July 1, 2016.

This federal approval was part of the annual BI and CADI waiver plan renewals. For information about the crisis respite service, see CBSM – Crisis respite.