Changes to how spousal impoverishment protections are implemented

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Disability Services Division eList


June 15, 2016

TO: Lead agencies and other interested stakeholders
FROM: DHS Disability Services Division on behalf of Minnesota Health Care Programs
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
PURPOSE: To share a DHS bulletin that explains changes to how spousal impoverishment protections are implemented
CONTACT FOR LEAD AGENCIES: Submit policy questions via HealthQuest
CONTACT FOR OTHER INTERESTED PEOPLE: For questions about how this could affect you, contact your county financial worker. For other questions, email

New DHS bulletin explains changes to how spousal impoverishment protections are implemented

DHS recently shared bulletin 16-21-04 (PDF). The bulletin explains changes to how spousal impoverishment protections are implemented for married people whose waiver applications were filed on or after June 1, 2016.

For a list of past DHS bulletins, visit the DHS 2016 bulletin archive.