RFP available for qualified responders to provide financial management services for people who use CSG and CDCS

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Disability Services Division eList


May 2, 2016

TO: All interested stakeholders
FROM: DHS Aging and Adult Services and Disability Services divisions
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
PURPOSE: To announce a request for proposals (RFP) for qualified grantee(s) to provide vendor fiscal/employer agent financial management services  
CONTACT: Jennifer.M.Strei@state.mn.us or 651-431-4300

RFP available for qualified responders to provide financial management services for people who use CSG and CDCS

The DHS Disability Services and Aging and Adult Services divisions, seek proposals from qualified responders to provide vendor fiscal/employer agent financial management services (VF/EA FMS) for:

  • Consumer Support Grant (CSG)
  • Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS).

When DHS implements the Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) program, it intends for successful responders to provide VF/EA FMS services to those participants as well.

You can view the request for proposals on the DHS Grants and RFPs page.


DHS must have proposals in hand (not postmarked) by 4 p.m. Central Time June 15, 2016. DHS will not consider late proposals and will return unopened proposals to the sender. DHS will not accept proposals that are faxed or emailed.


Submit questions about the RFP to Jennifer Strei at Jennifer.M.Strei@state.mn.us or 651-431-4300. This is the only person designated to answer questions from potential responders about this RFP.

Please feel free to share this message with others who may be interested.