VRS_July 1 Contracts

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July 1 Contracts

Dear VRS Community Partners:

I am pleased to share that almost all the VRS Community Partner P/T contracts are executed ready for July 1!

Executed Contract Copies Sent to Partners: Delay

Unfortunately, there is an administrative back-up at the Office of State Procurement housed in the Department of Administration so there is a significant lag getting the actual copies of the executed contracts in DEED’s possession to get to you. If you have questions about the status of your contract please contact Anne.Paulson@state.mn.us and Janeen.Oien@state.mn.us.

We worked a little magic and VRS staff are able to start to create and issue authorizations tomorrow. It may be that you see an authorization before you see a copy of your contract for your files.

Delayed Authorizations for Executed Contracts

VRS just got word that those contracts were executed so staff only have tomorrow to try to create and issue authorizations for July 1. While we know our staff can move mountains, it is likely that some authorizations will not be issued by the end of day tomorrow, July 1, for services continuing July 1.

VRS would like to ensure that there is a not a service disruption for individuals with disabilities receiving services with a Community Partner that does not have an authorization in hand by the end of day Friday, July 1. We also have a process for the few partners without an executed contract for July 1. This email outlines the process for moving forward.

This plan is for individuals currently receiving services with a particular Community Partner, not for new referrals. VRS staff will not make new referrals to a Community Partner until that partner’s new contract is executed and authorizations can be issued.

Plan for No Break in Services

Normally, DEED would only pay for services of authorizations that are issued AFTER the grant contract is executed. This is per MMB Encumbrance and Contract Execution Policy 21-01 which states “generally, agencies must encumber funds prior to incurring an obligation of the state and fully execute contracts prior to authorizing contractors to start work.”

However, given the unique nature of the contract delays, VRS is offering Community Partners the opportunity to continue services with individuals currently in services as if there were a contract and authorization in place. VRS will reimburse for those services that start July 1 even though the services might occur before a contract is executed or before an authorization is issued.

For authorization delays: Community Partners bear little risk in providing services without an authorization in hand in this particular instance. VRS will reimburse for those services that start July 1 even though the Community Partner might not have an authorization in hand.

For executed contract delays: Community Partners do bear a small risk in providing services without an executed contract, and some Community Partners may choose to pause services until a contract is in place. VRS sees this as a small risk because we have no reason to believe contracts will not be fully executed.

VRS will assume that Community Partners will continue providing services through this plan unless we hear otherwise. Community Partners should reach out to me, your CP team program specialist/contract liaison, and the referring VRS staff if your organization will not continue services so the referring VRS staff, the partner, and individual can work together to make a contingency plan.

Documentation of Services/Hours

VRS staff and Community Partner staff should already have been coordinating on what services and hours were necessary for a July 1 authorization. That coordination will be the basis for the services and hours that occur in the next week or two.


For authorization delays from executed contracts: VRS staff will work to create and issue authorizations as quickly as possible, but you may not receive an authorization until next week. DEED-VRS will issue work authorizations for services Community Partners, and Community Partners will be able to invoice for and DEED-VRS will pay for satisfactory services back to 7/1.

For contract execution delays: once the contract is executed, DEED-VRS will issue work authorizations for services Community Partners, and Community Partners will be able to invoice for and DEED-VRS will pay for satisfactory services back to 7/1.

Thank you

For today and through the weekend – we’re hoping VRS staff and Community Partner staff can focus on ensuring individuals continue to receive services and we’ll straighten out authorizations next week. Thank you for your partnership through this contracting process. Happy 4th of July!

My best,


Kim Babine
VRS Director of Community Partnerships