UDPATED LINK: Launch Minnesota Newsletter - April 2022 Edition

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Launch Minnesota

Launch Minnesota Collaborates with VeeCon

Launch Minnesota is working with VeeCon, a superconference organized by social media star Gary Vaynerchuk, to create a pitch competition that will spotlight nine innovative startups throughout the state.

To select the companies that will participate, Launch MN has created a social media competition to solicit input from members of the state’s innovation community.

Learn more and vote today!

Select the image below to watch Gary Vaynerchuk introduce the competition.

Gary Vee on YouTube talking about VeeCon

Stay updated by following Launch Minnesota and VeeCon on Twitter.

Rochester Innovation Roundtable

MN DEED Commissioner Steve Grove joined Launch Minnesota and community leaders in Rochester last Thursday for a roundtable discussion on the region’s strong innovation ecosystem and economic growth.

The group, which included Launch MN grantee Canomiks, talked about the need to collaborate across sectors and celebrate the success of innovators in Southeast Minnesota. 

KIMT has more

Rochester Roundtable and Press Briefing

MBOLD Opens Apps from Food & Ag Startups

MBOLD is accepting applications for its next cohort of Bold Growth: Scaling for Success in Food & Ag program. Innovation and the effective scaling of high potential companies are vital to the future of Minnesota’s food and ag ecosystem.

The Bold Growth program aims to accelerate the success of selected food and ag businesses through highly tailored support from members of the MBOLD coalition.

Learn more and apply today

Friday Forum on Fundraising - Tomorrow  

Launch Minnesota’s Friday Forums are an opportunity to discuss the topics facing Minnesota’s startup community.

The topic in April is Funding Resources. We’ll be discussing angel investing, crowdfunding and more with Groove Capital, FINNOVATION Lab, Venn Foundation and Women Venture.  

Learn more.

Upcoming Events

April 22: Telling Your Story: Presenting and Pitching

April 25: Launch Minnesota Value Proposition Design Webinar

May 3: A Turning Point in Minnesota Entrepreneurship

May 11: The Rink

June 2: Groove Capital’s Angel Fest 2022

More events on Launch Minnesota’s Startup and Small Business Calendar

Resources for Entrepreneurs: