Capitol Mall Design Framework Update and Engagement Opportunities

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Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board

March 5, 2024

The Capitol Mall belongs to all Minnesotans. Everyone should feel welcome here.

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Last Friday the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board unanimously approved the initial design direction for the Capitol Mall Design Framework. This framework is a plan to create a Capitol Mall that is more welcoming for more Minnesotans. Input from Minnesotans across the state is critical to ensuring this framework is representative of the people it will serve. Visit the engagement website to learn more. 

There are a number of ways Minnesotans can provide input: 

  • Online survey, accessible from the project website, will be open March 8-31
  • Statewide virtual public presentation on Thursday, March 14 starting at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. This meeting is for everyone in Minnesota. The whole family can attend! Click here to join the meeting.

In addition, the engagement team will be conducting in-person engagement throughout the state in March. Please stop by these events that are in or near your communities.

Thank you!

Erik Cedarleaf Dahl, Executive Secretary, Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board

(O) 651-757-1507 | © 651-373-0234  |

Peter Musty, Principal Planner, Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board

651-757-1501 |

With direct questions on this initiative or other projects, contact CAAPB staff Peter Musty at 651-757-1501 /