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Take the tularemia survey
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) wants to hear from veterinarians, vet techs, vet students, and those most likely to come in contact with a tularemia patient in a clinic setting. Participants will be asked about their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding tularemia prevention, control, testing, and treatment. The MDH is especially interested in anyone working in greater Minnesota because few reports of tularemia originate from these rural areas.
Survey results will be used to develop future strategies aimed at reducing tularemia infections in animals and veterinary personnel.
Please take the Tularemia: Assessing Knowledge, Attitude, and Beliefs survey by the end of the month.
Authorized Poultry Testing Agent training course
The Board is holding an Authorized Poultry Testing Agent (APTA) training course for those interested in performing the Rapid Whole Blood Test for Pullorum-Typhoid Disease and collecting samples for other Board or National Poultry Improvement Plan programs. In accordance with Minnesota Board of Animal Health rules (1721.0330), all samples collected from hatcheries and poultry flocks in Minnesota to meet Board disease program requirements must be collected by an APTA.
This course (in-person) is required for APTA certification and will cover testing procedures and sample collection. After the course, a follow-up hands-on training by a Board representative is required for APTA certification.
When: Monday, March 3, 2025 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: MnDOT, 3725 12th St N, St Cloud, MN 56303
Registration Fee: $50 Please note: All registration fees are non-refundable!
Registration Deadline: February 27, 2025
Other: All course materials will be provided.
Register online for the APTA course. Sign-up now to guarantee a spot - LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE! Authorized Poultry Testing Agents must be at least 18 years of age. Please call the MPTL at 320-231-5170 with questions.