Announcement: MTO Paymentus

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 Business Taxes
 MTO Update 


You may or may not be impacted by the change to Paymentus. If you do not plan to make electronic business tax payments through Michigan Treasury Online (MTO), you may disregard this communication. If this is the first message you are receiving about this change, get caught up at

We are ready

The payment platform within MTO will change from Payconnexion to Paymentus on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Thank you for your patience while we resolved testing errors and improved system functionality.

Planning ahead.

  • MTO supports electronic payment for nine business tax types in Michigan. We created a resource to help you understand, depending on when you make payment(s) over the next several weeks, which payment platform will be active in MTO along with the corresponding payment scheduling rules so that you can ensure your payment will be received timely. 

  • MTO will be unavailable between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. ET on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 for the Paymentus deployment.

What’s next?

You will receive another message from us next week. In that message we will provide you with MTO Paymentus functionality updates and last-minute reminders as we approach launch day. 

If you experience technical problems with making payments in the coming weeks, connect with the Business Taxes Customer Contact Center at 517-636-6925 or use the Ask MTO contact form. Please reach out to us at if you have questions about this change.