Student Scholarships, Grants and Outreach (SSGO) is excited to announce Michigan Achievement Scholarship is live in MiSSG for Academic Year 2023-24.
School Users who have been authorized to receive access to Michigan Achievement Scholarship via the MiSSG College Security Access Form will be able to access the following:
- Enhanced Reports
- Clear Ineligible Reasons
- Update Application Information
Please note, you will receive communication when certification becomes available.
Michigan Achievement Skills Scholarship is also live in MiSSG; however, the application is not currently available for students. Additional communication will be shared by the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) once eligible career training programs are approved and when students can apply.
 Enhanced Reports
Updates have been made to the Information Roster, School Totals Report, and Certification Roster. These reports now include additional fields such as student high school graduation month and year, total years remaining for program eligibility, payment status as well as breakdowns in award amounts for each semester/term.
The Information Roster now includes an enhancement to download eligible, ineligible, or both. The classic eligible students report does not include additional fields. Institutions seeking additional data fields should utilize the Information Roster.
Please note, the Information Roster can experience delayed processing when including ineligible students. We are currently working to optimize this roster.
Clear Ineligible Reasons
Similar to other State financial aid programs, institutions may now clear ineligible reasons for Michigan Achievement Scholarship students. Some students may not appear on the bulk Clear Ineligible Reasons list and will need to be viewed individually to asses their eligibility.
Update Application Information
School Users now have access to update application information within a student record. We encourage users to add a "Comment" and save.

Helpful Resources for Partners
The Michigan Department of Treasury is not affiliated with National Merit Scholarship Corporation or its registered trademarks National Achievement®, Achievement Scholarship®, or Achievement Scholar®.