Governor Whitmer announced applications for the MI Future Educator Fellowship and the MI Future Educator Stipend will be available starting October 31. By lowering the cost of higher education, the state can hire and train more qualified teachers. The scholarships were created and funded in the bipartisan education budget the governor signed earlier this year which also included the highest state per-student investment in Michigan history and record investments in school infrastructure, mental health, and school safety. Read the full press release.
MI Future Educator Fellowship
The MI Future Educator Fellowship offers aspiring teachers a scholarship to eliminate or lower the cost of tuition while they train to be educators. Awards cover the cost of tuition and fees up to $10,000 and are renewable for up to three years. Students that receive the award commit to teaching in Michigan classroom for at least three years after graduation.
MI Future Educator Stipend
The MI Future Educator Stipend provides compensation for full-time student teachers. Starting fall 2022, student teachers can earn $9,600 while they complete their final semester(s) of teacher preparation.
Visit for eligibility requirements, frequently asked questions and more about these programs.