Access to Secretary of State services and information just got a major boost thanks to a new partnership with libraries called ExpressSOS CONNECT.
Secretary Johnson announced the first-of-its kind partnership this week along with state and local library officials. The effort highlights the availability of more than 11,000 public library computers statewide as convenient and free online access points to the department’s online services at
 "Our libraries are the heart of their communities and there is no institution better at connecting people with the information they want and need," said Johnson. "I'm so honored by the opportunity to work with them to help connect their users with our online services at"
The Secretary of State's office will send out regular updates to libraries to share with the public such as election reminders, changes in election or driving laws, traffic safety tips and information about how to access Secretary of State services. The joint project is supported by Michigan Library Cooperatives, the Library of Michigan, the Michigan Library Association and the Michigan Department of Education.
*Did you know? 56 million people visited a local Michigan library in 2012 & about 13 million people used a public computer while there.
Secretary of State Ruth Johnson recently took her second swing through Northern Michigan in as many weeks.
Johnson visited branch offices in Midland, Cadillac and Honor to talk with customers and recognize employees' everyday efforts to help the Department of State succeed.
The tour concluded with the Secretary's participation in the Cherry Royale parade on July 6 during the National Cherry Festival in Traverse City.
Armed with candy for kids and smiles, Johnson marched alongside her personal 18-foot kayak, which is decorated with logos, as well as decals promoting veterans services, the state’s recreation passport and organ donation. Last month, Johnson braved high winds and cold water temps and rode the kayak from Mackinac Island to Mackinaw City to highlight
This latest trip follows one the prior week in which Johnson visited SOS offices in East Tawas, Alpena, Rogers City, Cheboygan and Sault Ste. Marie, helped present an organ donation award at the Michigan Health and Hospital Association's annual meeting on Mackinac Island, and delivered a keynote speech on veterans' intiatives at the American Legion convention in Sault Ste. Marie.